Inside Look at Trump’s Mexico Visit

The Hill 12:30 Report
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The Hill’s 12:30 Report: Behind-the-scenes of Trump’s visit to Mexico | Deportations in U.S. could hit 10-year low | ‘Jurassic World’ exhibit in Philly | National Trail Mix Day

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ELECTION? WHAT ELECTION? WHAT CONVENIENT TIMING?: Via The Hill’sRafael Bernal, the number of undocumented immigrants deported by President Obama is falling and could hit a 10-year low in 2016. 2012: 409,849 people deported 2015: 235,413 — the lowest number since 2006 Projected for 2016: 230,000.

It’s Wednesday, and today is the 19th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death. I’m Cate Martel with a quick recap of what you missed this morning — and what’s on tap for the rest of the day. Send comments, story ideas and happy thoughts to and on Facebook.

I CAN ONLY IMAGINE WHAT GIFT OFFERING TRUMP WILL BRING TO MEXICO: Donald Trump is meeting meet with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto today, hours before his high-profile immigration speech tonight in Arizona. Let’s set the scene for you:

Why: It’s not because they’re “besties,” it’s because there’s a decent chance Trump will be the next president. Via USA Today, “Peña Nieto has been one of Trump’s harsher critics. He has compared the GOP presidential nominee to dictators such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.” Ouch.

Optics: Trump and Peña Nieto are expected to give a joint press conference after the meeting, which could be a glimpse into Trump’s bilateral meetings as president. You can bet the photos taken here will be plastered across campaign ads! However, Trump’s traveling press was left behind, so it’s unclear how the press conference will work. Just questions from the Mexican press? This could be very worth watching:

Livestream of Trump’s arrival in Mexico City:

Feeling in Mexico: In general, the reaction from the Mexican people to this meeting is not positive. However, Excelsior, a Mexican center-right, pro-government news outlet, called the confab a “diplomatic victory.” That’s a pretty bold statement.

Mexican president’s likeability: Peña Nieto’s approval rating hit an all-time low earlier this month, at just 23 percent approval. Keep in mind: Peña Nieto is giving his State of the Union address tomorrow (!). But with his approval so low, he switched the venue from addressing Congress to a town hall format.

Will Clinton meet with Peña Nieto? The Mexican president’s office said it had sent invitations last week to both Trump and Clinton. Clinton’s campaign would not comment on whether she had received the invitation.

Shade thrown from the former Mexican president: Former Mexican President Vicente Fox commented this morning, calling Donald Trump a “traitor” and saying he is “not welcome to Mexico.”

Behind-the-scenes planning: This trip was planned pretty last-minute. And via The New York Times’s Maggie Haberman: Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani, whose firm did work in Mexico soon after he left City Hall, both helped with the planning.

5 things to watch in Trump’s immigration speech: What’s his tone? What about deportations? Any movement on the wall? Will he make direct overtures to Hispanics? Can he keep his base engaged? Explanations for each:

IT’S A GOOD DAY TO BE AN INCUMBENT!: … Unless you’re Rep. Corrine Brown that is. Here are the primary results from Florida and Arizona yesterday. In short: not too many surprises/upsets:


·       Florida — Dems: Rep. Patrick Murphy beat Rep. Alan Grayson, 59 to 18 percent.

·       Florida — GOP: Sen. Marco Rubio easily beat businessman Carlos Beruff, 72 to 19 percent.

·       Arizona — GOP: Sen. John McCain easily beat state Sen. Kelli Ward, 53 to 37 percent. Ward throwback: Ward said last week that McCain, 80, is too old to stay in the Senate, implying he might die in office.


·       Florida’s 23rd — Dems: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz beat Tim Canova, 57 to 42 percent.

·       Florida’s 5th — Dems: Rep. Corrine Brown lost to former state Sen. Al Lawson, 48 to 39 percent, amid Brown’s indictment.

·       Florida’s 9th — Dems: State Sen. Darren Soto beat Dena Grayson, Rep. Alan Grayson’s wife, in the seat he vacated to run for Senate, 36 to 28 percent.

Tweet from National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar: SORE LOSERS: Canova called DWS a “corporate stooge” AFTER losing; Grayson called Murphy a “Republican”; Beruff: Rubio made “life mistake”


The Wall Street Journal’s Madeline Marshall

Trump goes to Scotland *for business*: Brings press along. Trump goes to Mexico *for campaign*: Leaves press in U.S.

Bloomberg’s Jennifer Epstein

Today in uplifting DCCC fundraising email subject lines

Former Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Ill.)

You know, if Donald Trump comes back from Mexico tomorrow with a big check from Mexico to pay for the wall…that’s game, set, match.

CNN’s Dan Merica

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine headlined 68 fundraisers this month that raised a combined total of more than $80 million.


Today: Hillary Clinton speaks at the American Legion National Convention in Cincinnati. Note: Trump will speak there on Thursday: 

1:30 p.m. EDT: Tim Kaine will campaign in Bethlehem, Pa.

4 p.m. EDT: Mike Pence holds a town hall in Sarasota, Fla.

5 p.m. EDT: President Obama headlines the 2016 Lake Tahoe Summit to talk about climate change and the environment. He’ll then travel to Hawaii.

9 p.m. EDT: Donald Trump gives his postponed immigration speech in Phoenix.

12:30 a.m. EDT tomorrow: President Obama delivers remarks at the 2016 Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders at the East-West Center in Hawaii.

Tomorrow: Vice President Biden campaigns with Hillary Clinton in Ohio.

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