Thursday, August 11, 2016
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer
Incomes Falling
Several weeks ago, President Obama was crowing about the economy under his watch. He said, “I’ve spent every single day of my presidency focused on what I can do to grow the middle class and increase jobs, and boost wages. . . Here’s the good news: Wages are actually growing at a rate of about 3 percent so far this year.”
Let me translate that for you: “If you like your pay raise, you can keep your pay raise. Period.”
Like the president’s Obamacare promise of being able to keep your doctor, his hype about growing paychecks isn’t panning out either.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report Tuesday that flatly contradicted the president’s picture of economic progress. Buried in the report was this depressing news: Instead of wages growing in the first quarter of 2016, “Real hourly compensation decreased 0.4 percent after revision, rather than the previously-published increase of 4.2 percent.”
Our Gutted Military
A House task force of representatives from the Armed Services, Intelligence and the Defense Appropriations subcommittees has concluded that intelligence reports related to ISIS were deliberately manipulated to offer a rosier picture of the administration’s campaign against the so-called “JV team.”
According to Fox News, the reports “consistently described U.S. actions in a more positive light than other assessments from the [intelligence community] and were typically more optimistic than actual events warranted.”
In other news, the Pentagon admitted yesterday that the Air Force is 700 pilots short. So, under Obama, the most powerful military in the world has been decimated to the point that it does not have enough pilots to fight the JV team made up of sixth century barbarians.
I recall reading in recent years that the Obama Administration was doing everything possible to recruit homosexuals and transgender individuals into the American military. Perhaps they should worry less about using our military for radical social agendas and actually recruit pilots.
Obama Meets His Goal
Here’s one goal the president appears likely to meet: 10,000 Syrian refugees will enter the United States this fiscal year. The Associated Press reported last week that more than 2,300 refugees were admitted last month, and the current total of Syrian refuges stands at just under 8,000. The Obama White House has August and September to make up the difference.
With that in mind, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) noted yesterday that 20 “fully vetted” refugees have been implicated in terrorism in recent years.
Senator Sessions has previously warned that since the September 11, 2001 attacks, 580 individuals have been convicted on terrorism related charges in the United States, and the vast majority of them —380 — have been foreign born.
Meanwhile, German intelligence is publicly warning today about ISIS “hit squads and sleeper cells” inside that country. “We have substantial reports that among the refugees there are hit squads. There are hundreds of these reports, some from refugees themselves,” one official said.
But, hey, Obama met his refugee goal!
Feel safer?
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