What You Take For Granted, Others Are Praying For


Dear FGGAM Family,

Please pray with us………….

Shonda Family

First of all, this is a post I wrote in June of last year: FGGAM QUOTE of The Day: This past week I read a quote by Brian Tracy, “What you take for granted, others are praying for.” WOW! Those words have really stuck with me. Yesterday I was talking to Jim Hofflander who lives in an  assisted living center in Mankato, Minnesota by phone. He is my age and is praying for an apartment of his own. He is also praying to get his driver’s license back so he has the FREEDOM he once had. He lost it because of a “medical episode”. I also was talking to Shonda in Texas whose son, Stephen is in prison, and has been for four years. I met my Sister in Christ Shonda Savage,  years ago at a writers conference, she just sent me this picture of her family, from left to right, hubby Eldon, son Chase, then Stephen and Shonda. This picture was taken on Father’s Day at a prison in Texas. Through all this Eldon, Shonda, Chase and Stephen have been a Godly example to us all. Just this picture, shows me the love of Jesus Christ. It shows the family unit. It has been a tough four years for Stephen and family, but they have not faltered, their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is stronger than ever. They are an excellent testimony to us all. Can you even imagine having your loved one in prison?  You see my friends, what we take for granted like our health,  our house, our apartment, our drivers license, our car, our food, our FREEDOM to go when we want……others are praying for that. Please join us here at the FGGAM family and pray  Jim Hofflander, Stephen Whitworth, Shonda, Eldon and Chase. Just remember what you and I take for granted, others are praying for.

Today and all days we pray for the freedom of Stephen, we pray for release from prison. We pray for good health and an apartment for Jim! In Jesus name, Amen!

I must add that Shonda writes for God here at FGGAM, her writings inspire thousands! She is a very strong woman of God and her husband Eldon is a strong man of God! We are blessed by their testimony. Thank YOU JESUS!

Update From Shonda from June 1st of this year, Thursday…. Stephen saw the doctor. No surgery. He has good eye movement and all appears to be healing well. Stephen has no pain around the eye. Thank God! He got another 2 day pass to be off work.

Stephen asked that we pray for him as he is being considered for a job he really wants. The teacher aid II position is open and he is one of the two candidates being considered for this job. This position is a coordinator for all the tutors on the unit. He really loves teaching and would like this job much better than the kitchen job.

Thank you so much for your prayers!

Also, we are going to Jonathan’s graduation this upcoming weekend. We’ll be staying with Jimmy.
Much love and blessings to you and Sharon from me and Eldon


Shonda Savage
Web: ShondaSavage.com
We pray for that job for Stephen!
We continue to pray for Jonathan Savage, Amen!
Please continue to pray for Bo, as he now as pneumonia!
Please pray for my wife Sharon and me, we may have Listeria food poisoning, from frozen peas that have been recalled.
We pray for Franchesca Stevens as she continues her cancer treatment.
We pray for David Maddox as he also continues his treatment for cancer.
We pray for the family of Marine Capt. Jeff Kuss, a native of Durango, Coloado whose Blue Angel jet crashed yesterday. Capt. Kuss was killed.
We pray for the families of the 5 soldiers from Fort Hood who died in the flood yesterday and we pray for the 4 soldiers that are still missing after the vehicle they were in was swept away in the flood waters.
We pray all this in the name of Jesus, Amen!

Psalm 107:28-30 Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven

dewey cup

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