Miracles in Revival, Unity and Healing in Jesus Christ!


Dewey life verseLetter to DeweypRAYER WALK 3
Prayer walk 1

I have been on the road all week. I am exhausted, I am resting, I am getting ready to hit the road again in the morning for you. YOU, stands for the Body of Christ. We must stand united. I have been called to the First Baptist Church in Reserve, NM to preach this Sunday, filling in for Pastor Johnny. I am working on my sermon for the morning. Please pray for me. The 5 day Revival in Quemado saw many miracles, we prayed for rain, we got rain, we prayed for unity, we got unity. On the last day of the Revival at the First Baptist Church of Quemado, New Mexico we held a prayer walk through town! We were joined by the Body of Christ in Quemado, Father Ray from the Catholic Church, the Navajo Nation and other denominations! We all prayed together and for the community of Quemado and all of Catron County! We all spoke the same prayer language to Jesus! We all asked God to heal our land and to forgive us of our sins. We prayed for satan to be gone from here. It was AMAZING! It was AWESOME! ALL FOR OUR LORD! The Body of Christ coming together! NO WALLS! Just TOGETHERNESS OUT ON THE STREETS FOR JESUS! PROCLAIMING THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST!

I also experienced a personal miracle in healing. I love all the people of Quemado and Reserve. Over the last 3 years I have received so many blessings from the folks at the First Baptist Churches of Reserve and Quemado. I have to tell you that I have been blessed by making friends through out the County that don’t attend a Church. They have accepted me for who I am, and I have accepted them in Jesus. I call them often. I pray for them everyday. The Church must not know walls.

Here is my personal miracle. I have the best wife and nurse in the whole world. The Revival began last Sunday at 10:30am. I awoke Saturday night at 10pm with chest pains and muscle spasms. I had gone to bed at 7:30pm to wake up at 3am to update the FGGAM website. Sharon checked me out. I had worked hard all day out in the sun getting my chores done since I was going to be gone most of the week. I did not drink much water, my bad. I have been under tremendous stress with many things going on and people in need, another reason for the problem. Sharon felt I would be okay to go, we prayed for my healing. The Chest pains really decreased by the time I left for Quemado, but the spasms did not.

When I preached at 10:30am the pain and spasms went away completely, however once I finished it all started again. I joined my friends for lunch at John and Joann’s house and after lunch they all prayed over me…….I felt the pain leave my shoulder…..I really did……I then took at nap before we started the Revival up in the evening. After my nap the pain and spasms were all gone never to return!!!!!!!!!! PTL! PTL!!

As I type this, I feel so much love for all my friends in Quemado!I now will work on my message for the morning at the First Baptist Church in Reserve at 11am.

The above picture of the note from Jonathan, was left on my windshield after Thursday’s service. I have included pictures of the prayer walk in Quemado and of me and my new friend, Father Ray of the Quemado Catholic Church who joined us on the prayer walk! Off to our right is a lovely lady from the Navajo Nation who joined us and prayed with us! I am very sorry I do not have her name at the moment. My card file (My Brain) is full of names and I have cards spilling all over the floor! LOL! LOL!) Forgive me!

I leave you with this, God is looking for mature Christians.

1 Peter 2:2….Like newborn babies, crave pure, spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.

I want to thank our partners in ministry, Laura and Dan Rosecrans of The HUB of New Mexico, who came to minister to us Wednesday night, it was so very AWESOME! If you have not heard Laura’s testimony you need to book her at your Church! Amen!  Dan had a POWERFUL PATRIOTIC message for us as we come upon July 4th! I encourage you to book Laura and Dan to speak at your Church!

Laura and Dan also did their morning show live from Quemado on Thursday morning! PTL!

Thanks to Pastor Paul Holy of the First Baptist Church in Magdalena for Preaching the Word of God on Tuesday night! Thank you Paul and Jo! DYNAMITE message as usual! I also would book Pastor Paul and his lovely wife Jo to minister to your Church! Amen!

Please pray for a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit over the Windom, Minnesota area. Our Revival is at the Barc in Windom August 26th and 27th! Thank you for your prayers!

Please pray for the plans that have started for our Revival in the Albuquerque area at the start of 2017!

We need your help as we go, please be on your knees in praying for these Revivals and also about giving a love offering toward our efforts for Jesus. Thank you so very much we love you all, In Jesus name, Amen! Dewey and Father Ray

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