What’s In Your Bloodline? Happy Mother’s Day…Angel’s Prayer of The Day



What’s In Your Bloodline?


Happy Mother’s Day to every woman across this globe. I know I am full of stories, but here goes another. Friday evening I attended Joan Hunter Ministries meeting in Houlton, Maine. They were giving away CD’s to whoever could yell Norma loud enough. (She was the women handing out CD’s.) Well I have had a cough and my voice is soft to begin with, but somehow I received the CD, Release the Writer Within You by Wendy Walters. I laughed as my friend Laurie that was sitting beside me leaned over and said I didn’t hear you say anything. The man sitting behind me Pastor Mike Freeman had tapped me on the shoulder when they announced the name of the CD and said I want to hear you yell for that CD. Something supernatural must have happened because we were sitting near the back and I couldn’t yell, but a writer I am.

I listened to the CD this morning as I drove to her Mother’s Day service. Wendy mentioned about the mantles in the bloodline that we came from. I must say, I had to do a little research to find out about my bloodline previously, but I can proudly say, I came from a rich bloodline. Not in money or earthly wealth- but a spiritual inheritance.

My mother’s mom in whom I never met was a midwife. Whenever a baby was going to be born they would call for my grandmother June. Although not a certified midwife-her experience gained her the many calls to deliver morning, noon and night.

My own mother Bernice (the womb God had chosen for me to be born) imparted to me more than I know today. She passed away when I was barely eight. As I grasped for any memories of her, everyone I inquired told me the same thing. She was the kindest woman you would ever meet. As I was her 14th birth (my mind has a hard time to wrap around this) I am thankful she chose to give me life. I am thankful she was my mother for those eight years. Although, I know she was not perfect and her life wasn’t easy, she gave me more than anything money could buy. She chose to give me life and she imparted to me a spiritual heritage that I will continue to follow. It is my desire for the Lord to use me to save many babies lives across this globe (sort of like a midwife in a different way) as a writer, speaker, author and conference team leader.

There are no blobs of tissue….it is all about life.

For every woman today, I want to pray for you…

Father, thank you for every woman around this globe today. Thank you for the women that chose life. May today be a great celebration for them.

I pray today for every woman that has suffered loss, through miscarriage, death, or abortion. Bind up their wounds and make them whole again, I pray. Oh God, for every woman across this globe that has believed you for a child, bring them their hearts desire as only you can. Set up divine appointments from your throne room for fruitful wombs, adoptions as only you can, I pray.

I pray a special blessing over every woman today. May they be thankful for the womb in which they were born. May they be thankful for life.

May God’s Word come alive to you in a deeper way today, I pray. He loves you and He has a special plan for your life.

Believe His Word, pray (talk) to Him. You were created in His image and He calls you Beautiful…

Happy Mother’s Day…You Are Loved!

my mom bestMy mother…love the sparkles…Thanks for choosing life…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPsgIhlYQmM&w=640&h=360]



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