NM Congressman Pearce Responds to The Loss of 300 Jobs in Carlsbad


FGGAM NEWS just received this news release from Congressman Pearce:

Pearce Statement on Intrepid’s Temporary Closure of Carlsbad Facility


Washington, DC (May 11, 2016)  Congressman Pearce issued the following statement after Intrepid Potash Inc. announced its plan to temporarily suspend operations in its West mining facility in Carlsbad, New Mexico.  Currently, about 300 of Intrepid’s employees will be impacted by this decision:


Here in New Mexico, we rely on a variety of ways to sustain our way of life. In order for our diverse economic engine to function, every aspect of our economy, from our natural parks, tourism, manufacturing, to our natural resources must fire on all cylinders.


Economic conditions surrounding potash, oil, and the natural gas economies are consistently evolving and demonstrate why our community cannot solely rely on these resources to prosper.


“With the announcement that 300 hardworking New Mexicans will soon be looking for work, the federal government should focus on utilizing resources to strengthen the local economy, not creating another bureaucratic hurdle,” said Congressman Pearce.   


In a press release issued May 9, 2016, Intrepid cites a declining market as the reason for the temporary closure of the West facility.  The facility will continue to operate until July 8th, after that time it will be placed in care and maintenance mode, with limited staff that exercises the equipment.  Intrepid claims that should the market significantly improve, it would reactivate operations as timely and efficiently as possible.

Pastor Dewey Note: Please join us in prayer for all the families involved in this very tough situation. Let us pray for the re-opening of the plant and jobs for all, in Jesus name, Amen!

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