Most Diverse Electorate in History Likely to Confront Trump and Clinton

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By Niall Stanage
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are likely to battle for the White House this fall over the most diverse electorate in the history of the United States.
Every indicator is pointing toward an election in which Hispanics, in particular, are more heavily represented than ever. Demographic trends also point to the white vote-share shrinking further.
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By Cristina Marcos and Jordain Carney
The House and Senate are both expected to consider proposals this week to fund efforts for combating the Zika virus after months of fractious debate with the White House.
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By Juan Williams
OPINION | “It’s the economy, stupid!” That was Democratic strategist James Carville’s famous bottom line on the 1992 presidential election. Fast forward to 2016 and once again it looks like “It’s the economy, stupid.”
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By Judd Gregg
OPINION | If either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton are elected in November — and it is all but certain one of them will be — then for the first time in anyone’s memory we will be swearing in a president whom more than half the country either does not like or does not trust.
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By Melanie Zanona
It’s the problem that no one has been able to solve. For years, there has been widespread agreement in Washington that the nation is facing an infrastructure crisis, with dangerously congested roads and deficient bridges threatening public safety and trade.
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By Melanie Zanona
Advocates for investing in the nation’s infrastructure are hesitant to single out certain projects as deserving priority over others, arguing that sustained funding and attention is needed equally across the board.
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By Jonathan Swan
Despite claiming he has a net worth of $10 billion, Donald Trump has made clear to his associates that there’s no way he’s footing the bill for a general election campaign that will likely cost more than $1 billion.
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By Sylvan Lane and Peter Schroeder
Republicans are waging a battle over the Constitution when it comes to helping Puerto Rico.
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By Evelyn Rupert
Donald Trump is denying the information about his VP search that Ben Carson reportedly gave the Washington Post, saying specifically that Marco Rubio is not being considered.
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By Jessie Hellmann
Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is beginning to hint at what role her husband, former President Bill Clinton, could have in her administration if elected president.
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Bloomberg: Trump targeting crossover support to remake US election map
By Ros Krasny
The “crossover support” that presumptive nominee Donald Trump has attracted in winning Republican primaries this year will help him compete in states that have gone Democratic for decades in presidential elections, according to a top aide.
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The New York Times: Social conservatives, however reluctant, are warming to the idea of Trump
By Jeremy W. Peters
While Donald J. Trump may not have been their top choice, the adherents of socially conservative ideologies believe the alternative — Hillary Clinton — would be far worse.
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The Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump wouldn’t have had the ready cash to self-finance entire campaign — analysis
By Peter Grant and Brody Mullins
With Trump now moving to raise big sums, an estimate of his 2016 income shows him likely short of the ready cash he would have needed to fund his entire campaign.
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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: To endorse or not: Paul Ryan’s Trump dilemma
By Craig Gilbert
Based on everything we know about them, it’s hard to imagine Paul Ryan endorsing Donald Trump. But it’s even harder to imagine him not doing it.
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The Washington Post: Clinton’s allies worry weaknesses could erode her campaign
By Anne Gearan and Dan Balz
To counter challenges like her poor showings with women and her likability ratings, Hillary Clinton is relying on the prospect that Donald Trump’s flaws are even greater but advisers are also working to soften her stiff public image.
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