Justice’s Reputation Hangs in Balance of Clinton Probe and Trump, Sanders Win

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Justice’s reputation hangs in balance of Clinton probe
By Julian Hattem
No matter what decision federal prosecutors and FBI investigators make in the Hillary Clinton email probe, there is sure to be a public backlash from the left or the right.
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Sanders has a daunting climb despite West Virginia win
By Jonathan Swan
Bernie Sanders won the West Virginia primary but he needs something like a mathematical miracle to wrest the presidential nomination away from Hillary Clinton.
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Trump closes in on official nomination delegate count
By Lisa Hagen
Donald Trump could need about 100 more delegates in the remaining GOP contests to formally clinch the Republican nomination.
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Ryan on meeting with Trump: GOP won’t unite in a week
By Scott Wong and Mike Lillis
Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday sought to downplay expectations for his meeting this week with presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, forecasting no major breakthroughs that might unify the party’s two biggest stars.
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Ted Cruz stalls on endorsing Trump
By Alexander Bolton
Ted Cruz repeatedly declined to endorse Donald Trump for president on Tuesday as he returned to the Senate for the first time since dropping out of the presidential race.
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GOP sinks teeth into Facebook bias allegations
By David McCabe
Allegations of political bias at Facebook exploded into national view on Tuesday as a Senate chairman pressed the company on whether conservative content is suppressed on the site.
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Dems brush off polls showing close Clinton-Trump race
By Niall Stanage
Democrats say it is difficult to see a path to the White House for Trump.
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GOP hopefuls struggle with support of Trump
By Lisa Hagen and Ben Kamisar
Vulnerable Republican Senate hopefuls are struggling to find the right tone about Donald Trump’s rise to the top of the party’s ticket, weighing how to appeal to moderates without casting aside their base.
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Senate growing impatient for Puerto Rico bill
By Peter Schroeder
Senators are growing impatient with the House’s prolonged effort to pass legislation on Puerto Rico’s debt crisis.
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Lobbying groups descend on battleground states
By Megan R. Wilson
With members of Congress poised to spend most of this year campaigning for reelection, groups in Washington are shifting their focus toward grassroots advocacy in hopes of changing the political debate from the ground up.
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The New York Times: Donald Trump, bucking calls to unite, claims ‘mandate’ to be provocative
By Patrick Healy and Maggie Haberman
Mr. Trump said his supporters wanted him to run as a fiery outsider rather than embrace the mellower approach Republican leaders want.
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The Wall Street Journal: Trump’s chief fundraiser an unorthodox choice
By Rebecca Ballhaus, Rachel Louise Ensign and Ben Fritz
Republican Donald Trump, who faces a general-election tab that could exceed $1 billion, has tapped to raise that money a businessman with ties to Wall Street and Hollywood, industries with uncertain loyalties to Mr. Trump.
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Bloomberg: Aides to Trump, who wants ‘show biz’ convention, are Cleveland-bound
By Jennifer Jacobs
The Republican National Committee briefs the presumptive nominee’s team on voter outreach and opposition research as they head to the convention site.
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The Associated Press: Ryan’s hometown says he’s doing the ‘best he can’ on Trump
By Bryna Godar
As House Speaker Paul Ryan walks a fine line on Donald Trump – withholding his support, at least for now – some voters back home in his congressional district applaud his effort for the greater good of the GOP.
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The Washington Post: Ted Cruz built a brand on being the most-hated man in Washington. Now what?
By Amber Phillips
The obstructor-in-chief role didn’t get him to the White House. But could it be useful down the road?
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