Anarchy Within The GOP and The Left Preaches Open Borders


Monday, May 9, 2016

To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer


The anarchy within the Republican Party continued over the weekend. There was talk of tax increases and raising the minimum wage — from the presumptive Republican front runner. House Speaker Paul Ryan and many GOP elites seemed totally uninterested about why millions of Americans might be attracted to an “America First” message. Some spent the weekend pushing a third party.

When the waters are this stormy, I find it is often good to find out what people like you think. So today I am asking you: What Will YOU Do?

It is really important that as many of you respond as possible. I am often asked by our friends on Capitol Hill and by leading journalists what grassroots conservatives are thinking, so this is a good chance to make your voice heard in Washington.

If the election were tomorrow, would you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Would you vote for Donald Trump?

Would you vote for a third party candidate? And if yes, who do you want that candidate to be?

Or would you just boycott the election, stay home and not vote at all?

Vote here now.

Again, your feedback is important to me. I want to hear from as many of our supporters as possible.

Left Preaches Open Borders

One of the progressives who runs America gave the commencement address to the 2016 graduating class of Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, Friday.

Just in case the students weren’t made stupid enough by four years of left-wing indoctrination, the speaker finished the job when he said, in response to proposals to build a border wall, “There are no walls big enough to stop people from anywhere, tens of thousands of miles away, who are determined to take their own lives while they target others.”

With that remark, Secretary of State John Kerry officially announced that nations are a figment of our imagination. Or even worse, that he and the other leftists who run the country intend to make America a figment of our imagination.

Borders — secured by walls, fences, checkpoints, border guards, and in some cases, the military — are the reality and defining characteristics of nation-states. What John Kerry described, large numbers of people willing to die in order to breach a nation’s borders, has throughout history been called an “invasion.” Nations either stop hostile invasions or they are conquered.

We are living under an administration that believes it is impossible, perhaps even undesirable, to secure our borders. (By the way, a new surge of illegal immigration is hitting the southern border and may exceed what we experienced in 2014.) The only explanation is that they are prepared for us to be conquered. (Perhaps that explains why when we are at war against radical Islam that the Army has been cut to pre-World War II levels.)

If I were Vladimir Putin, I’d work out a deal to send 200,000 Russian troops to Mexico who would take off their uniforms and promptly walk across the border to test Kerry’s theory.

Nuggets From The News

  • We told you last week that the Obama Justice Department was threatening to cut off $4 billion in federal education funds to North Carolina over the state’s new law prohibiting men and boys from using women’s restrooms. The administration gave the state until today to comply with its demands, and this morning it got a response.

    Governor Pat McCrory filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department, accusing the Obama Administration of “baseless and blatant overreach,” adding that unelected bureaucrats were attempting to “unilaterally rewrite long-established federal civil rights laws” to include crossdressing and other radical concepts.

  • Once again demonstrating the left’s intolerance for religious liberty and traditional values, progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio is calling on New Yorkers to boycott Chick-fil-A. Reverend Franklin Grahamcriticized de Blasio for singling out a successful business just because its owners “operate by Christian principles.”
    * * * * *

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