The Cup and the Covenant


Bethany Lutheran Church near BergenGrandpa-and-Grandma-Caraway-HDPastor Dewey Moede Note: This picture of the Last Supper, that I am sharing with you this morning was given to me by my Mom, Ruth Moede years ago. It was my Grandma Caraway’s, a dear woman of God, who spoke over me in 1974 and told me that one day I would be a preacher! Grandma’s family bought this picture in the late 1800’s. Praise God for Christian heritage! I pray that you start your day in your war room and that you spend time in the House of the Lord today! Amen! Enjoy this devotional by Charles Stanley! Amen! Praise God!

PS: Grandpa Floyd and Grandma Lena Caraway(pictured above, to the left is the Church steeple of Bethany Lutheran near Bergen, Minnesota where Grandpa and Grandma went to church. Thanks to my childhood freind, Bob Hanson for this wonderful photo. Grandma’s maiden name was Hanson) ) lived 7 miles south of Windom on one of the best farms in Southern Minnesota. My cousin Barb and her hubby Rick live on the farm now, Barb’s Dad, Wayne, farmed the land for years. The Moede and Caraway family roots to the Windom area, go back to the late 1800’s

I attended the American Lutheran Church, where my Daddy, Wally, was the head usher for years and years, up until his sudden death on April 19th, 1992 on Easter morning at age 64, the week he retired.

Daddy left Windom at age 17 to enter the U.S. Marines in WWII, became a Sgt. Served in China, Pearl Harbor and Japan. Daddy was the Transportation Director for the School for many years, a Pastor on the Windom radio station, KDOM, one day referred to my Daddy as the “Shepherd of God’s children in Windom” Daddy had a special heart for children. He also was Assistant Fire Chief for many years, one of the highlights was finding a lost little boy near Storden, Minnesota, Police and Fire were searching for the boy in the country and Daddy found him in a corn field.

Mom was involved in Church circle, cooked at the Winfair School, but many do not know the important role she took on as Dad’s assistant, helping him with the Buses and Fire Dept. duties, Daddy was also the Fire Dept. Secretary. Mom answered the phone all day, many called our house instead of the school!

I boast in my Lord of the wonderful, rich, Christian heritage that has been handed down to me. The Lord has directed me to shine and offer that heritage to the world! PTL! PTL!

I must say again, I have such a passion for the Windom area, as it is where my Christian foundation was planted, and grew from there! PTL! I want to share that heritage with everyone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ! For God’s Glory Alone!

This quote from David Platt kind of sums up my calling from our Lord…….

“Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every lost person this side of hell”

I also love this one from A.W. Tozer…..”Go to church ONCE a week and nobody pays attention. Worship God SEVEN days a week and you become strange!!!!!!”

Yes, I am Godly proud to be known as a STRANGE person!!!!!!

Too many have taken God’s business and made a business out of it!

March 13, 2016

The Cup and the Covenant

Matthew 26:26-30

Jesus’ last meal with His disciples took place during the celebration of Passover. Giving them bread, He said, “Take, eat; this is My body” (Matt. 26:26). Next, offering wine from a shared cup, He told them, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins” (Matt. 26:27-28). Believers today observe the Lord’s Supper as a symbol of cleansing, consecration, and communion.

Jesus’ blood cleanses us from sin. Starting with Adam and Eve, God required a blood sacrifice to cover transgressions (Gen. 3:21; Lev. 17:11). But this was just a temporary solution, as the next offense required yet another sacrifice. Jesus was God’s permanent answer to the problem: He took upon Himself all sin—past, present, and future—and died to pay the full penalty.

When people receive salvation, they are consecrated, or set apart to the Lord. Their sins are forgiven, and they receive eternal life as well as the indwelling Holy Spirit. At times they may forget they belong to the Lord and give in to temptation. The bread and the cup are an opportunity to remember what God expects of His children and to renew a commitment to obey.

The Lord’s Supper is also a time to be in communion. We are connected not only with the Lord who saved us but also with past and present believers. Among members of God’s family, we find comfort and support, just as the disciples and the early church did.

The Lord’s Supper is a good time to stop and recall what Jesus has given us. Partake solemnly and gratefully.

Bible in a Year: Judges 1-3

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