ABQ JOURNAL: New Mexico is a Wild West Haven For Abortions


Church programsThe Albuquerque Journal and writer Colleen Heild do a great job in today’s front page article on the Abortion problem in New Mexico: New Mexico is a Wild West haven for abortions. More and more women from other states come to New Mexico for abortions. ABQ JOURNAL STORY HERE

Also read this: Is NM Lt. Gov. Sanchez Just another Susana?

Also this from Pastor Dewey Moede:

A few years ago after preaching at a church in Albuquerque, I had a man come up to me afterwards and says, “I liked your message, but I why did you preach so much on abortion, I don’t know if this is the place to do that.”

I just kind’a shook my head and said, “This is the place friend, that the message needs to be heard”

If not the Church, who? where?

That of course did not stop me, in fact it probably has intensified my preaching for the sanctity of life!

I like to say as the pulpit goes, the country goes…..and look what we got!

Killing baby after baby…….

Laura Rosecrans of The HUB of New Mexico forwarded me this excellent post from Care Net:

A great axiom of ministry is, “as the pulpit goes, so goes the church.” The preaching of God’s Word in a church dictates how the people view the Scriptures, and it’s teaching. More specifically, what is emphasized from the pulpit is often most embraced and embodied by God’s people. I’ve seen this dynamic play out over and over again. This realization is a heavy weight for any pastor to bear, deciding what to preach on, and what not to.

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