Pastor Dewey Moede Note: I no longer watch this circus….it is a shame on how far the Republican party has fallen. Both the Republicans and Democrats do not talk about the issues that are biting at the common folk like you and me. This is all show business. This Presidential race on both sides, is the worst display of statesmanship in the history of our country. They represent the anger and disarray in America. This is the worst field of candidates ever for President. The only hope for America is our Lord Jesus Christ, none of these candidates. America, Bless God!  He already has blessed us, we have kicked Him to the curb. The only candidate to me that gives me any hope for America is Ted Cruz, a devout Christian.


News AOL

Trump gets booed during epic shout-match with Cruz

The crowd got rowdy during Thursday’s debate when the U.S. senator and GOP front-runner sparred intensely over Cruz’s citizenship.

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