Good Morning Beautiful People…Trees, Trees and Dental Trees


Good morning beautiful people. I just had to share about the goodness of mankind. I was working out of town for a few weeks and was blessed to come home to the annual St. Apolonia Festival of Trees. A local dentist, Dr. Norma Desjardins founded this non-profit dental clinic here in the Star City. This pediatric dental clinic is a real blessing to our community. Many community businesses, groups etc. decorate a tree for this festival. Many of these trees have gifts wrapped and some unwrapped hidden underneath the beautifully decorated trees. You would be a blessed winner if your ticket was drawn. There are so many decorated trees, all to help bring a smile to a child. There is a minimal fee to come and view the trees and purchase tickets to put in the bucket of your choice. The money raised from this event will help with the expense of dental care for the children right here in Aroostook County. There is nothing like a smile on the face of a child, no nothing.

It was nice to see so many familiar faces and the glow on the children’s faces as they looked at the trees with such amazement. I spoke to Julie a friend and office coordinator at the clinic. You could hear the joy in her voice as she spoke about the services they bring to the children. She said this year the money raised would help cover the cost of nitrous oxide (laughing gas). This would make the procedure less frightening for the children. It sort of made me chuckle, because as an adult, I’m always a bit frightened myself of going to the dentist.

As I walked around and put my ticket in the different buckets, I thanked the Lord himself for the little children. Wouldn’t the world be boring without the joy of children? I feel privileged to live in a community that cares about the smile of a child.

I must admit, I don’t know much about the history of St. Apolonia. One thing I do know is that God Himself rewards those who give to those that need it. He cares deeply about children.

Today, you may not have a festival of trees to attend. There may be no presents wrapped under your Christmas tree. If you can share your smile with a child today, you will be blessed.

I couldn’t help but think of the scripture in Mark 9:37 Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me. Now doesn’t that make you smile?

Have A Blessed Day, Bless A Child Today…

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