Good Morning Beautiful People…Scanlin Christmas Outreach


Good Morning Beautiful People….Scanlin Christmas Outreach

Good morning beautiful people. I just had to share with you about some friends I met on my journey several years ago. I was living in an apartment on the outskirts of our city. I had made an appointment to visit the Scanlin home with some friends in a small country town called Easton, Maine. I was holding prayer meetings at this time and Joan was attending and she was full of miracle stories.

I remember that evening so vividly. It was snowing and my friends that were coming from a few towns away, decided to cancel. I don’t especially like to go to places by myself, but I knew in my heart I wasn’t going to miss this. Well to my surprise, I wasn’t the only one. I believe there were seven or eight college students that decided to attend that night.

We all liked trying on Joan’s hats. Her many outfits in her walk-in closet (with a fireplace- I might add) where she kept her matching suits, shoes, hats and pocketbooks made you feel like a million bucks. Several students had their picture taken with the various hats. Even the young lady with a baby had put a hat on her sweet little girl.

We were in awe as we went from room to room as Joan gave us the Scanlin Christmas tour. Winston was busy getting a snack ready until it was time for the train. He showed us the train that he enjoyed as much as we did. His big smile showed the love for what he was doing as much as the Mrs.

We all sat at the beautifully decorated dining room table and Joann shared a miracle story. I piped up and asked if she could share one more. Being a woman of prayer, she has many that God miraculously answered. You definitely need to ask her about the tree that was in her dad’s yard one night. Was it there the next morning? Hmmm…

Next we shared a treat that Winston made and I got to speak a few words about how God has a destiny for each of us. We talked around that table for quite some time, all bringing glory to His name. It seemed like nobody wanted to leave. The students and I all signed the guest book and everyone prepared to leave for the night. I paused once again before opening my car door to listen to the music coming from the stained glass miniature church in the beautifully decorated yard. Oh, How I love Christmas…

2015 will be the final year for the Scanlin Christmas Outreach in Easton, Maine. They have been doing this open house outreach for many, many years. If you can make an appointment and be there in person you will be blessed beyond measure. This free event is a blessing to all as they always say good-bye after Winston or Joan closes your visit in prayer.

If you cannot attend, pray for this outreach and enjoy this video from my journey a few years ago. It was definitely a Destiny Moment…

May the miracles of Christmas begin…Oh, how I love Christmas.


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