The hits just keep coming for presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson, but not in a good way. We are at the point in the campaign cycle where the guileless liberal media must remove the true conservatives from the field so that Christians will be more likely to stay home next November.

It started this week with Dr. Ben Carson, the pediatric neurosurgeon without political experience running for the presidency, when CNN started digging into the childhood stories told in his book “Gifted Hands”. The so called news network found it difficult to believe that Dr. Carson would have a violent past and started interviewing childhood friends.

These friends did not remember Dr. Carson having emotional outbursts or violent episodes and CNN started to call into question the truthfulness of his entire biography. Friday morning in an interview that aired on CNN, Dr. Carson called the investigation a “bunch of lies”. You can hear his response here.

But the chum is in the water and liberal media types are now gunning for America’s top surgeon. Politico, on Friday, did their own hatchet job on Dr. Carson and according to his campaign lied about them admitting to Dr. Carson’s untruthfulness regarding his admission to West Point.

The West Point story that was posted by Politico claimed that Dr. Carson has been for years telling people that he turned down an appointment and scholarship to West Point to become a surgeon, however the truth is in the details.

Dr. Ben Carson was the top ROTC student in Detroit in 1969 and had the opportunity to meet with top General Westmorland who was attending a dinner in honor of a current and several past Medal of Honor recipients. As generals of his stature tend to do, Westmorland encouraged the young Ben Carson to apply to West Point, and education that is paid for in full by the military.

Carson decided that he wanted to become a surgeon instead of a soldier.

The Politico piece twisted the campaign response into an admission of lies. The headlines they are using suggest that Dr. Carson had lied in his biography but when you dig deeper into the story itself and the response of the Carson campaign in other media outlets you find they are splitting hairs to make Dr. Carson appear dishonest and this does have an effect on those that only read the headlines and shake their heads.

Dr. Ben Carson is a conservative Christian who is running for president of the United States and that can not be tolerated by the elite liberal media who must destroy such a person at all costs. When a man such as Dr. Carson runs for president, he must be very open about anything in his past that may be used, but he must also be quick to put down any lies also.

That is what we are seeing here. You may recall when Herman Cain sought the presidency last time around. He had some great ideas, all of them conservative. It was about this same point in the election cycle that he had a bimbo eruption that forced him to drop out.

Of course, we all know that CNN and Politico did not dig into President Obama’s past with any real zeal. Sure there was the “composite” girlfriend thing, but they did not do any digging into his school record, his drug use, and of course his birth questions and upbringing in Indonesia.

No one looked into his dealing with Bill Ayers, his bigoted pastor or the unusual house deal except a few zealous conservatives who were laughed at and ignored.

We must understand that if a conservative, especially a Christian, runs for the president the gauntlet will be turned up to shredder level and that person better be prepared to pay the price. We need men and women like Dr. Carson to run, when they make it we get a Ronald Reagan as a result.

America needs strong Christian leadership, I am not sure that is Dr. Ben Carson, but I am becoming more certain as he must suffer the refiner’s fire and allow the dross to be removed.

When headlines break claiming that he admitted to being a liar, it was heartbreaking, but when it turned out that Politico was the one telling lies, I knew it was on.

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