You Won’t Believe What Christian Ministers Did Outside an Ohio Abortion Clinic


Clergy Blessing Ohio Abortion ClinicA group of not so Christian clergy and several not so Torah observant rabbis gathered outside a Cleveland, Ohio abortion clinic to do something very confusing, they asked God to bless the clinic.

To quote from the Princess Bride, “I don’t think that means what you think it means.”

They were asking the Lord or whomever they really pray to, “Bless this building. May its walls stand strong against the onslaught of shame thrown at it, may it be a beacon of hope for those who need its services.”

The so called clergy, many of whom were women, were part of a pro-choice group who thought the religious right were hijacking the moral conversation on abortion and bringing shame to a woman’s right to execute their unborn and defenseless child and condemn the selling of their baby’s broken body.

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But rather than go on about abortion issues we are already aware of, what about this idea of blessing a building used to slaughter the innocent. What does it mean to bless and who is doing the blessing?

From a biblical point of view, to bless is to bend the knee and present a gift. That is what God does for us with salvation and that is what we do with our lives.

At these abortion clinics, that clearly break God’s commands against murder and child sacrifice, what is the blessing? The bending of knee and the gift is bowing to demonic forces and the gift is the child sacrifice that the Lord abhors.

Which begs the question in my mind, “Who are these clergy serving?” The One true God of scripture or the god of this world, Satan?

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