This Is What Happens When You Don’t Vote


I Voted

I voted, did you?

The majority of Christians are failing to vote!

Why is there not an uproar in America and the world as Putin moves toward taking control of the Middle East? Some like me, would say he is moving to become the top WORLD POWER, WORLD DOMINANCE, or maybe he is already there, as Obama has helped him into his seat. America as a whole is not paying attention to the world around them. They are mainly paying attention to the Presidential race, which is good to some degree, but  if people do not vote, nothing changes. In Albuquerque yesterday, only 8% of voters went to the polls in a City election. Albuquerque is having a problem getting eligible voters to exercise their duty, the result is a horrible school board and a City in disarray, meaning the Albuquerque School District has been hit with one scandal after another, no leadership being provided by the School Board, and the City Police force has suffered from the lack of leadership from the Mayor and City Council, so much,  that the Justice Department had to come in. The Police force is way understaffed, Officers tell me that the City is a dangerous place, and far to few officers are actually on patrol, there is just not enough manpower to Police the City. Violent crime is up!

Mayor Berry does not speak out against abortion, yet he has the gaul to call himself PRO-LIFE!, Who are you fooling Mr. Mayor?  Albuquerque has become the late-term abortion capital under Mayor Berry, he can put that on his resume when he runs for Governor.

Very discouraging: Albuquerque voters in District 6 voted in Patrick Davis to the City Council yesterday. Davis supports abortion. What is with this? Voting for the death of babies?

So we can look at our local governments and all the way up to the White House as to what happens when people don’t care, don’t vote or don’t vet the candidates, don’t know whether their candidates are Christian or not. America should be ashamed of itself for voting for Obama twice. Why do we not care? Why do we not vote? How did we become so foolish to elect Obama not once, but twice?

There a number of deep fundamental issues with the American people. Fundamental’s that were founded years ago when we became the United States of America. Have they been lost?

For to many Christians, they just stand stand still and don’t stand in the gap for Israel. Oh, there are plenty who are, but as a whole, is the Church paying attention to the “apple of God’s eye?” We elected a President who is not Christian and who does not care about Israel, his actions or lack of action speak volumes,  what does that say about America and the Church?

Whether you want to face it or not, America as we knew it, is passing away. It makes me cry. It is our own fault.

I have been taught to stand by my Christian convictions, do not compromise, do not give in………AND TO VOTE!

Our friend Gary Bauer of American Values filed this report yesterday……

During a press conference last week, President Obama said that Russia’s Vladimir Putin was acting in Syria “not of strength, but out of weakness.” If Mr. Putin gets any weaker, he may end up controlling the entire Middle East!

Multiple reports today indicate that Putin has deployed shock troops known as the Spetsnaz into Syria. These troops are “extremely aggressive and highly trained.”

According to one account, they earned “a terrifying reputation . . . conducting seek-and-destroy missions against jihadis . . . in Chechnya.” They have been ordered to Syria to wipe out opposition to dictator Bashar al-Assad “by any means.”

Those cheering Russia’s war against ISIS may be missing the bigger picture. Putin is establishing a beachhead in the Middle East and emasculating our president in the process.

For example, twice now Russian jets have flown into Turkish airspace. The first time may have been an accident. But twice? This is not just Turkey’s problem. Turkey is a NATO ally. Putin is probing the West, thrusting the proverbial bayonet as long as he finds mush.

By the way, the Obama Administration announced a major trade deal yesterday, but trade deals are just pieces of paper unless the U.S. Navy is protecting shipping lanes and guaranteeing the free flow of goods around the world.


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