Have We Gone To Hell?


Albuquerque this week: 4-year-old Lilly shot to death in a road rage incident by a repeat offender, Albuquerque Police Officer Fights for his life after being shot by a repeat offender.

It is hard for me these days, for all of us…..to look at the violence in our City, Albuquerque. I have lived here since 1995 and I have seen how violent we have become as a people over the years. I have never seen so much horrific violence in my life, the killing of children, even killed by their own parents! I am way beyond being alarmed by this violence, I was alarmed back in 1995 when we moved here, it is way beyond being just alarmed. We are living in a world that does not value life. Just like the killing of little Lilly. Now comes word that another Albuquerque Police Officer has been shot, he is fighting for his life at the University of New Mexico Hospital. Violence is out of control. For far to long New Mexico courts have let thugs out of jail way too many times and treats repeat offenders with kid gloves. We abort children everyday here in Albuquerque. All of us take responsibility in the horrific condition we are in, you and me, Pastors, Judges, Political leaders and so on. We have allowed us to become who we are, a mess, we have let evil spread like wildfire and sweep over our community and world. Only God can change this, people coming to our Lord Jesus Christ. You see this is what happens when just 7% go to Church and we are living in a time when most American homes do not have a  bible in them, America is a godless society. The Church is failing. Two long-time Pastors here in New Mexico, Don Kimbro and Errol Stepp, with both having nearly 50 years of service to God’s people here in New Mexico, told me the greatest failing of the Church is not baptizing enough people. The Church is not disciplining enough people, maybe one day a week, if that. Crime has no zip code, know one is safe. A nurse said they had someone storm into the hospital  she works at the other day demanding drugs. In my hometown of Windom, Minnesota this month, they have a had a killing and a swat situation at a home, a man with a gun, this is in a town of about 4,000 in rural Minnesota. I am sorry to say this, and it makes me weep, but the American society has gone to hell in a handbasket.

Sadly this scene keeps happening, innocent people get killed, Babies, children and adults. Speeches are made, songs are played, Politicians fight over what to do, funerals take place, and families are never the same.

We do not do anything of substance to change the cycle of violence.

We are a people of “no moral code”

What is substance, not lip service……..we weep, we mourn, we fast, we pray.

We need revive ourselves, or as a long-time Pastor, Richard Mansfield told me,  how can you revive a Church that is DEAD, we need an awakening. An awakening to return to God and His ways, otherwise a living hell awaits us, if we are not already there.

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Will we change?

The late Chuck Colson said years ago on KKIM Radio, “The American church has been nothing but a High School pep rally”

I am weeping, I am in mourning, I am praying for all of us to break this cycle of violence.


Lilly Dewey on abortion

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