Have a CUP of Coffee With FGGAM Founder, Pastor Dewey

Dewey Moede
Lars Moede Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede

Dan and LauraThank you for stopping by for a CUP!

We also thank you for praying for Pastor Larry Moss! It was great to hear from many of you that you are praying! People we had not heard from in a long time! It’s great to know you are still sharing a CUP with us! My day usually starts around 2:30am now. We are very busy here doing what the Lord directs us to do. I now am on the HUB of New Mexico twice daily at 11am and 3pm with a 5 minute message. Our counseling services are still in demand. The website is as popular as ever and still growing, we just rebuilt it with a new look. We now have 45 volunteer writers! Pastor Don Kimbro has encouraged me to ASK! I hate to ask…….we need your help, it has been a dry time in love offerings. Pastor Paul Holt asks, “Do you value FGGAM?” Pastor Don says it is biblically correct for me to ASK! I hate to ask, as I did that for years selling time on Christian radio. I have a hard time asking now. We have faithful givers that keep us above what I call “THE LINE” We do not owe any money. God told me when we started, never owe money!  We know what God wants us to do and that is to increase our outreach, that is why we accepted the very generous offer by the HUB of New Mexico,(The HUB of New Mexico.com)  Dan and Laura Rosecrans (Pictured on the right) to air our program FREE!!! That is why I am up at 2:30 am to make sure you get the news and inspiration you need! We are going to Reserve this week to preach a funeral on Saturday and give the word of God on Sunday,  We would like to add to our staff, we would like to make sure our travels and meals, and time of counseling, website costs, updates, living expenses, office expenses and other stuff that we pay for or we need to purchase like a new printer and brochures,are covered by the people of God. You see what God showed me when He called me and Sharon into FGGAM is to serve HIS people, people that cannot afford services, then refer them to a Church, Pastor or professional counseling, help those in DEEP need, the forgotten people. Let’s remember that only 7% of America goes to Church. REACH OUT……GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY FOR ME, the Lord told me, and we do, we have been in homes knee deep in filth. This is my story, and I am sticking to it, this is why I live. We take phone calls at 3am……we are here 24/7. We have the most popular Christian news and inspiration website in the state of New Mexico, we now have a news staff of 5 and have combined our forces with The HUB of New Mexico,THE FIRST CHRISTIAN INTERNET RADIO STATION IN THE STATE.  We continue to grow in visitors from all over God’s world, including Israel! Help pay for what many of God’s people cannot pay for. If you are moved by God to support FGGAM, please go to FGGAM.ORG and click on the big banner on the fromt page to the right, that Pastor Paul made asking, “Do you value FGGAM?” People ask me, “When are you going to start your Church, Dewey?” God says no. There are to many empty Churches now. People ask, “When are you going to get your own building, Dewey?” God says no. NO DEBT! Go where my people are. We operate from our home and car, on the road for Jesus! AMEN! PRAISE GOD! 
We are heavily invested in social media, this is the way to reach thousands everyday. Our podcasts that air on FGGAM.ORG, The HUB of NEW MEXICO, iTunes and other sources reach the world for JESUS! 
My life verse God gave me is….”My life is worth nothing unless I use it foer doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus” Acts 20:24
I also ask this morning that you pray for the Frank and Laurie Vock family of Windom, Minnesota. Laurie has brain cancer and will be moved into hospice, just got that message from her brother Rod Byam. Laurie is the only woman Frank has ever loved, it is a true all-american, Godly love story!Please keep them in your prayers. 

Good Morning Beautiful People, By FGGAM’S Angel Murchison 

I just had to stop everything and write this morning about Faith. Actually, it’s been on mind for a while. It seems like I have been thinking about this even as I sleep. Sometimes life’s circumstances just don’t make sense. As I was chatting with the author of the book Diving Deep Into Faith, Kate Williams, a few days ago. I found myself revisiting the past several years’ life events. I admit, I get a little shaky at times over how the journey of diving deeper goes.
It is not always easy to believe the Word of God, it just isn’t. Romans 8:28 All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called to His purpose. As each of us step out into our own unknown, it feels sometimes that we are going to sink. Just a few days ago, I found myself questioning God himself. Lord, you said you would never leave me nor forsake me, right? Help, I cried out to him, I think I may be sinking, as I shared my burdens with him. The very next day the answer arrived. I like when the answer is early, but I’m learning, it’s His timing, not mine, but always right on time. Many days and nights, I talked with the creator of the universe about His timing and seasons. I asked him to forgive me for being filled with fear instead of faith. I try to be obedient and step out to walk on the water, whenever I sense he’s nudging. One thing I know for sure, he will never be mad at anyone for trying. His Word says He is our rear guard. (Isaiah 52:12)
I remember moving to an apartment for a season and a friend now living in Australia gave me a snow angel figurine that read Blind Faith. I placed it on the sill in the kitchen window, directly over my sink. Every day when I would do dishes, I would be reminded, I was walking by faith-blindly. I couldn’t see my way. The apartment was for a season and served a purpose. I remember my car that my sister had given me “blew up”, I felt so stuck nearly ten miles from town. I would go out on the deck and look at the road East 10 and West 10 and declare I am not stuck. I can walk in either direction. I have friends on both sides. I had a friend that loaned me her car, whenever needed, that summer. Wow, that was a tough time, but I made it.
As I reflect on this time in my life, I can remember so many blessings. Some of the most precious people that are still friends today, I met on that journey. The prayer meetings I held and the dreams I dreamed still convince me to this day that God orders our footsteps even thru difficult times.
Today, I don’t know what each of you readers are going through. One thing I know for sure, if you know Jesus, you are not stuck. You can stand inside, stand outside, stand upside down even and declare I am not stuck. Now believe it. Talk to your Heavenly Father, share your burdens. He will make a way for His children. You may not be able to see the plan, but believe He has one. He is Your Lord. (Make sure today He is).
Ephesians 3:20 Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh within us. Hebrews 11:6  And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. John 14:6 Jesus told him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
snow angel
dive deep
Beginning in 1740, George Whitefield preached seven times in America, to crowds sometimes over 25,000.
He spread the Great Awakening Revival, which helped unite the Colonies prior to the Revolutionary War.
Ben Franklin wrote in his Autobiography that George Whitefield’svoice could be heard almost a mile away:
“He preached one evening from the top of the Court-house steps… Streets were filled with his hearers…
I had the curiosity to learn how far he could be heard by retiring backwards down the street…and found his voice distinct till I came near Front-street.”
Ben Franklin continued his description of evangelist George Whitefield:
“Multitudes of all denominations attended his sermons…
It was wonderful to see the change soon made in the manners of our inhabitants.
From being thoughtless or indifferent about religion, it seemed as if all the world were growing religious, so that one could not walk thro’ the town in an evening without hearing psalms sung in different families of every street.”
Sarah Edwards, the wife of Jonathan Edwards, wrote to her brother in New Haven concerning the effectsGeorge Whitefield’sministry:
“It is wonderful to see what a spell he casts over an audience by proclaiming the simplest truths of the Bible…
Our mechanics shut up their shops, and the day laborers throw down their tools to go and hear him preach, and few return unaffected.”
George Whitefield had attended Oxford with John and Charles Wesley, who began the Methodist movement.
In 1733, when he was converted, George Whitefield exclaimed:
“Joy-joy unspeakable-joy that’s full of, big with glory!”
When Whitefield confronted the established churches, doors were closed to him, so he resorted to preaching out-of-doors.
Crowds grew so large that no church could hold the number of people.
Ben Franklin helped finance the building of an auditorium in Philadelphia for Whitefield to preach in, which was latter donated as the first building of the University of Pennsylvania.

A bronze statue of George Whitefield is on the University’s campus.
The Great Awakening Revival resulted in the founding of Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Rutgers and Columbia Universities.
Franklin printed Whitefield’s journal and sermons. Being Postmaster in Philadelphia, Franklin helped spread Whitefield’s his sermons through colonial American.

In one sermon, George Whitefield proclaimed:
“Never rest until you can say, ‘the Lord our righteousness.’ Who knows but the Lord may have mercy, nay, abundantly pardon you?
Beg of God to give you faith; and if the Lord give you that, you will by it receive Christ, with his righteousness, and his all…
None, none can tell, but those happy souls who have experienced it with what demonstration of the Spirit this conviction comes…”
George Whitefield continued:
“Oh, how amiable, as well as all sufficient, does the blessed Jesus now appear! With what new eyes does the soul now see the Lord its righteousness! Brethren, it is unutterable…
Those who live godly in Christ, may not so much be said to live, as Christ to live in them… They are led by the Spirit as a child is led by the hand of its father…
They hear, know, and obey his voice… Being born again in God they habitually live to, and daily walk with God.”
George Whitefield’s influence was so profound, that when there was a threatened war with Spain and France, Ben Franklin drafted and printed a General Fast for Pennsylvania, December 12, 1747:

“As the calamities of a bloody War, in which our Nation is now engaged, seem every Year more nearly to approach us…
there is just reason to fear that unless we humble ourselves before the Lord & amend our Ways, we may be chastised with yet heavier Judgments.
We have, therefore, thought fit…to appoint…the seventh Day of January next, to be observed throughout this Province as a Day of Fasting & Prayer, exhorting all…to join with one accord in the most humble & fervent Supplications;
That Almighty God would mercifully interpose and still the Rage of War among the Nations & put a stop to the effusion of Christian Blood…”
In 1752, George Whitefield wrote to Benjamin Franklin, who had invented the lightning rod:
“My Dear Doctor… I find that you grow more and more famous in the learned world.”
In 1764, George Whitefield received a letter from Benjamin Franklin, in which Franklin ended with the salutation:
“Your frequently repeated Wishes and Prayers for my Eternal as well as temporal Happiness are very obliging. I can only thank you for them, and offer you mine in return.”
In 1769, George Whitefield wrote Benjamin Franklin on the night before his last trip to America. In this last surviving letter, Whitefield shares his desire that both he and Franklin would:
“Be in that happy number of those who is the midst of the tremendous final blaze shall cry Amen.”
Franklin wrote to George Whitefield:
“I sometimes wish you and I were jointly employed by the Crown to settle a colony on the Ohio…a strong body of religious and industrious people!…
Might it not greatly facilitate the introduction of pure religion among the heathen, if we could, by such a colony, show them a better sample of Christians than they commonly see in our Indian traders?”
George Whitefield died SEPTEMBER 30, 1770.
As he was dying, he declared:
“How willing I would ever live to preach Christ! But I die to be with Him!”
George Whitefield had declared:
“Would you have peace with God?
Away, then, to God through Jesus Christ, who has purchased peace; the Lord Jesus has shed his heart’s blood for this.
He died for this; he rose again for this; he ascended into the highest heaven, and is now interceding at the right hand of God.”
Bill Federerwww.AmericanMinute.com
wjfederer@gmail.com  314-502-8924
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