Growing Movement: Freedom From Religion Foundation, ‘Nones’ Outnumber American Catholics


Belen Natvity SceneYesterday  I returned from my trip to Reserve, New Mexico to preach the word of God,  a place I call “a little piece of heaven” In December it will be 2 years since God first sent me to serve at the First Baptist Church of Reserve. “Down to earth” folks, or as we used to say back home, “salt of the earth.” Godly people, patriotic people, people that love our Lord Jesus Christ and our Country. When I got home Sharon had put the Sunday paper, the Albuquerque Journal, on the kitchen table. One of the headlines was, “Belen in Fight Over Nativity Bullying.” We have been following the story since the Freedom From Religion Foundation has been waging war against the city of Belen, New Mexico over the display of a Nativity scene on city property. These folks are anti-America! They are attempting to rip and burn of the fabric of the American society. I have called them communists in the past. There is no good in this organization, it is evil. America as a whole is trashing our Godly heritage, we are a country founded by God. I have been alarmed about this group and its growth and force for a long time, now read to this, In the Albuquerque Journal article, Walter F. Sullivan chair in Catholic Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University said, the Freedom From Religion Foundation is part of a movement of mainly atheists and agnostics that challenges purported violations of the separation of church and state. “These groups have become emboldened with the rapid growth of religious ‘nones’ who now outnumber Roman Catholics in the country,” he said. It appears the growth of these groups is outnumbering the growth of Christianity in America. As longtime Pastor Don Kimbro of Albuquerque has stressed to me, “We (American Christian Churches)  are not baptising enough people”  MORE HERE 

Just 7% of America goes to Church. The majority of homes in the United States of America no longer have a Bible in them.

Also read this:

Religiously unaffiliated people have been growing as a share of all Americans for some time. Pew Research Center’s massive 2014 Religious Landscape Study makes clear just how quickly this is happening, and also shows that the trend is occurring within a variety of demographic groups – across genders, generations and racial and ethnic groups, to name a few. ‘Nones’

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