From My Heart Podcast: Are You in Awe of God?

Dewey Moede
Lars Moede Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede

I am in awe of God! How about you! How are you and the Lord getting along? When is the last time you were in awe of God? Are you caught “up in the world?” Do not turn to the left or right, stay focused on our Lord Jesus Christ. Do not pay attention to the “nothing noise” of the world. The love of our Lord Jesus Christ and being in awe of our God is what I want to share with you today, a miracle! The miracle of Jonathan Savage. The awe of God! Amen!

Thank you to all of you who are listening to these podcasts. We are reaching thousands for our Lord Jesus Christ! For his glory alone! Amen! Please share these podcasts, they will, Lord willing,  encourage many in our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

For God’s Glory Alone!

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