FGGAM FAMILY: Let Us Come Together and Pray For Brooke in Maine and “Harvey T” in New Mexico and Many More


Let us all come together and pray over this need from Maine! From one of our great friends in our Lord, Angel Murchison who writes for us EVERYDAY! prayer_handsPublic Domain CC0prayer warrior paul

Dear Dewey, I’d like to send out a prayer request for my middle daughter Brooke. Brooke has several lumps on her head and one on her leg. Some are larger than others. The surgeon would like to remove them in case they get infected and continue to grow in size. I would ask all www.fggam.org family to pray for Brooke today. Please join with me in faith that these lumps will be gone. Declaring healing scriptures including Psalm 107 v 20 over Brooke this morning. Healing is her portion. She is the seed of the righteous…Amen.

Thank you for praying for this little family as well.  Brooke, Andrew and Emmett. May they know how wide and long and high and deep the love of Christ is for them.

Thanks Dewey,


We are praying Angel!

My Dear Friends here at FGGAM, we had thousands yesterday, over 35,000 come to FGGAM and visit……this is all about God and His people, praying for Jonathan Savage and now Brooke. What a family of God, He has built here at FGGAM, the FGGAM family. God set me out 18 years ago to form the DAILY CUP ministry, a ministry of prayer for others and it still stands strong to this day to serve our LORD and HIS people. DAILY CUP WEBSITE

I also see that Harvey T. Twite is in the Heart Hospital in Albuquerque. Harvey is a great friend who owns KEDU Radio in Ruidoso, New Mexico. Harvey just messaged me that he is undergoing tests on his heart. Harvey is known as Harvey T! I had him on the air many times when I managed KKIM. Harvey has a BIG HEART for God’s people!

I also got word last night that Veronica, who we have been praying for, will be released from the hospital on tomorrow, Lord Willing. Veronica had a kidney transplant and then a virus developed in the kidney. Please continue to pray healing over Veronica.

Our son Lars has a horrible sinus infection and is at home sick and cannot go to work. Lars lives in Chicago, please pray healing over him.

We also continue our prayers for Oscar in Texas as he has stage four cancer. We were told last night we should get an update soon.

We continue to pray over Jonathan Savage and the healing of his legs, in Jesus name, Amen!

We pray healing over Brooke, Harvey T, Veronica, Lars, Oscar and Jonathan,  in Jesus name, Amen!

Thank you for being part of the FGGAM FAMILY!

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