Arrest Warrant Issued For Ron Luce Founder of Teen Mania


Teen ManiaLet us pray over this situation, we pray for clarity, clear mind for all, in Jesus name, Amen! Charisma Magazine reports: When the Teen Mania founder failed to appear at a hearing between his organization and fellow ministry Compassion International, the court issued a warrant for his arrest.

Now, Ron Luce tells Charisma his lawyers advised him to avoid the hearing.

“Teen mania and Compassion International have been involved in a positive working relationship for over 10 years,” Luce says. “The last two years have been strained, as our disagreements have culminated in a lawsuit. I have personally reached out to the CEO at Compassion International to try to resolve and was referred to their VP of Legal. I was advised by Counsel, to not appear at a hearing in Colorado in September, as their court has no jurisdiction over companies or individuals outside of their state. I am not able to give details on the case at the present time, but we are working vigilantly to resolve (it) as soon as possible.”


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