Are You a Prophetic or Political Christian?

Are you a prophetic or political Christian? By Bill Wilson of The Daily Jotdaily jot
For probably more obvious reasons that I would like to count, the Lord has had me focused recently on the condition of this nation. My heart tells me to write about the Middle East and Israel, my spirit is saying there is unfinished business with  the United States. The sense that I am getting in my prayer time and study is that there is great confusion among Christian Americans about their loyalties and how they should be working out their salvation here on earth, and in particular as citizens of both God’s kingdom and of the United States. There are those who say that America is not worth the trouble, that we should be focused on the Kingdom of God. I do not see these two issues as mutually exclusive.
My ancestors came to this land because of religious persecution. They entered into covenant with God–not the other way around. They dedicated this land to God. As it grew into a nation, the struggle ensued as to how this nation would be formed and who was going to do it. Yes, there were bad men, men who were not Christians, men who were of secret societies, deists, whatever. But there were also strong Christians who shaped and molded this nation and its form of government. They wanted a nation where each man is recognized as equal in the sight of God and under the laws. They wanted laws that protected the rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness as granted by God.
In this atmosphere of freedom of speech, religion and economics, Christians thrived. They not only became the most blessed, wealthiest, freest nation on earth, they also were part and parcel to evangelizing the rest of the world with the gospel of Christ. But over the years, humanists have sought to take away the benefits of a Constitutional Republic and replace it with a socialist democracy where the rule of law is subject to the ever changing desires of the people. Humanism is of satan and it is not only an enemy of the republic, but also of God. In short, this country is what we make it. For this time in history it has fallen into the hands of darkness. The only thing that overcomes darkness is light. That’s where we come in.
You can be a great citizen of the kingdom of God as well as a great citizen of the United States–a prophetic Christian. For me, I am first and foremost a citizen of the kingdom of God. As a citizen of this kingdom, I am also by grace and by birth a citizen of the United States–still a prophetic Christian. I take both citizenships very seriously, but one is an extension of the other. Philippians 2:12 instructs us to “work out our faith with fear and trembling.” And so we must. Romans 12:21 tells us to “overcome evil with good.” Christ told us to be salt and light. You see, in reality, it is not about nationalism. It is about our prophetic civic duty to the kingdom of God. If we are doing what the Lord commanded us to do, our nation would not be on the precipice of evil and darkness.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!

Bill Wilson
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