“See You At The Pole” National Day of Student Prayer in Windom, Minn.


This report is from my Dear Friend in Windom, Minnesota, my hometown, Tera Cory Elness

Students gathered.
Hands joined.
United in prayer.
It’s a Beautiful Thing.
“See You At The Pole” National Day of student-led prayer.
~September 23, 2015~
God, fill their hearts with all of You, empowering them to pour You out to all they will meet and encounter this day. Through their words and actions, may students and staff alike see Your goodness and grace. Surround them with Your strong arms of protection and comfort them in their worries.
May their eyes be open and their ears be alert to learning and the sound of Your voice. May each and every person inside these walls this day know that they are loved, and valued, and treasured.
This is the day You have made Lord, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Amen. ❤

This picture was taken by Tera at the Windom Area Middle/High School. Thank you for sharing Tera, this story makes me weep tears of joy in our LORD! AMEN!

MORE SEE YOU AT THE POLE Prayer at the pole

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