Mr. President You Are Not Standing Up For Babies!!!


From Laura Rosecrans of The Hub of New Mexico: This is from Student’s for Life President Sade Patterson! This young lady is the voice of the millanials who are spearheading so much of the pro-life activity in our nation! So proud of you Sade! You are truly a light in a dark world!

A quote from ‪#‎PresidentObama‬ today-addressing Pope Francis:Obama Sept.

“You call on all of us, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, to put the “least of these” at the center of our concerns…to stand up for justice and against inequality, and to ensure that every human being is able to live in dignity –- because we are all made in the image of God.”

These words are coming from our President-a man who has vowed to veto bills that would 1) stand up for justice and against inequity, 2) ensure that every human being is able to live in dignity, 3) and promote that are all made in the image of God.

The bills are:dignity
1) Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act: this would ban abortions nationally after 5 months of pregnancy. Fetus’ during the 5th month can live outside of the womb and feel pain as you and I do. Currently, several states perform abortion up until the day of birth-for any reason. New Mexico is the Late-Term abortion capitol. Women are free to obtain an emergency C-section to remove the baby if she is in danger, This would save her life and in most instances-the baby’s

2) Born-Alive Infants Protection Act: this would protect babies that have been born ALIVE after a failed abortion. Many victims of failed abortions have shared their stories about nearly being dumped in a bucket of Formaldehyde to die-similar to other babies killed by abortion. Others have been left in a room to die, or had their spines or necks clipped by abortionists like Kermit Gosnell.

3) To ‪#‎DefundPP‬. This would put a one-year hold on tax dollar-funding to Planned Parenthood-America’s largest abortion provider (300,000 abortions performed every year)-to ensure that a proper investigation is held in the claims that they are selling baby’s hearts, lungs, brains, livers, eyes for profit. Men and women would have the 13,000 federally qualified health clinics that outnumber Planned Parenthood locations 20-1 and provide more services-for free.

I would like to ask our #PresidentObama why he claims to stand up for justice and against inequality, ensures that EVERY human being is able to live in dignity, and believes that we are all made in the image of God, but continues to drown innocent babies inside and outside of the womb in deep waters of injustice. I would like to ask supporters of Obama, and all who do not support these 3 bills…why? Why do these lives not matter-if they are HUMAN lives? By the Constitution, aren’t we all promised life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Can any of us have these opportunities without LIFE in itself? I would like to ask the Church and all supporters of life, “what are you doing to bring justice to the least of these?” Are you just protesting abortion or are you helping women who are in these situations? Are you taking them into your home? Are you offering them resources? Are you praying for them? If they choose life, do you support them after they have their baby? If they choose death, do you love them after their abortion? Are you adopting if you can afford to? Are you disciplining others to carry the torch?

I have many questions and I know many will go unanswered. This is not a place for me to shame, but to challenge each and every one of us-including myself. If you support life, what more can you do until abortion is done away with? If you do not value life and support abortion, I challenge you to at least reconsider on these bills.


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