Ky Clerk Sent to Jail, Welcome to Post Liberty America


kim davisFirst they came for the county clerks…

U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning found Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in contempt of court for failing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples, she is now in the hands of US marshals until she submits to the state and signs her name to the licenses she believes to be immoral and unconstitutional.

Lawyers for Kim Davis asked for changes in how such licenses are issued that would not have the signature of county clerks. Those changes include having the state of Kentucky issue the license or allowing someone other than a county’s clerk to sign them.

More than 100 protesters from both sides of the issue gathered outside the courtroom to find out what Judge Bunning would decide to do to the rebellious county clerk, the judge had already ordered the county and it’s clerk to process applications and start issuing licenses and the judge did not believe fines would compel Davis to issue the licenses so to prison with her.

It should be noted that Kim Davis has been under additional fire as her life history is being revealed to all of the world. She has had a sorted past with four marriages and complicated parentage of her children. To her credit, Davis has stated that she came to know Jesus as her savior only a few years ago and from that time has been committed to a godly lifestyle which has resulted in her current situation.

We have been stating for some time that civil disobedience and Christian beliefs would lead to jail time for those who will not bend the knee to the state and that day has arrived.

It will not end here.

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