From My Heart Podcast: Godly Leadership: Trump? Gov. Martinez? Mayor Berry? APS?


This morning in the Albuquerque Journal, Governor Martinez calls the Albuquerque School Board on the carpet. The Governor said, “We expect leaders to lead.” Dewey Flag and BibleGov Martinez SOS 2Trump imigrationmayor Berry 4abortionaps-logoelectionduran-diannaGovernor Martinez,  we expect you to lead on ending abortion in New Mexico! You remain silent on babies being killed every month in the state you govern. Where are the Godly leaders? President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The leader leads, and the boss drives.” America suffers from a Godly leadership deficiency. Let me share with you this morning a Biblical look at leadership. Please now click above and listen to my podcast, I also have included another very sad case here in New Mexico:  Lawmakers Move To Impeach Duran

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