Keeping an Eye on ISIS

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Keeping an Eye on ISIS
The ISIS terror militia has gained widespread notoriety over the past year for its brutal tactics and its bold declaration of a global caliphate. After committing a string of atrocities in Iraq and Syria and capturing large parts of both countries, radical Muslims elsewhere in the Middle East began declaring their loyalty to ISIS. And even in the West, hundreds have responded to their calls over the Internet to come to the region and join the jihad. Now ISIS was able to first establish a foothold in Syria due to the chaos caused by the uprising against the Assad regime. And while ISIS first spread into neighboring Iraq, more recently they have tried to capture areas along the Syrian border with Israel, to possibly open a new front against the Jewish state. Terrorists linked with ISIS are also now operating in Gaza and the Sinai. And this all means that Israel has to take ISIS much more seriously as a direct threat to its security. So how did the Islamic State terror militia spring up so quickly and what is driving its campaign of terror? Do the ISIS forces in Syria now pose a serious threat on Israel’s northern border? Why is ISIS so attractive to Muslims around the world? And what can Israel do to confront this growing threat? Keeping an Eye on ISIS! That’s our focus this week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll hear from a leading Israeli security analyst on the growing threat which ISIS now poses to Israel and what Jerusalem can do to confront it. Dr. Boaz Ganor is Dean of the Lauder School of Government at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, one of Israel’s premier center’s for geo-political studies. During the university’s recent annual policy conference, Dr. Ganor addressed the growing threat to Israel from the Islamic State terror militia, and we’ll bring you highlights from his presentation.

Airing the weekend of August 8, 2015

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, August 10, 2015

Program Features

On today’s show, we’re looking at the rapid rise of the Islamic State terror militia and the increasing threat that it poses to Israel. This week, Front Page reporter Aaron Hecht takes us inside a recent briefing on ISIS delivered byDr. Boaz Ganor, a top Israeli expert on Muslim terror militias. Dr. Ganor is Dean of the Lauder School of Government at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, one of Israel’s  premier center’s for geo-political studies. During the university’s recent annual policy conference, Ganor addressed the growing threat to Israel from the Islamic State terror militia, and we have highlights from his presentation. So let’s go over to Aaron in Jerusalem for that report…

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Plus, stay tuned for your special invitation to the Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem this September, sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.

Join hosts Earl Cox, Ben Kinchlow and David Parsons for this week’s Front Page Jerusalem, on a radio station near you or visit our website to download the MP3 and to subscribe to program podcasts


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Can Israel Win the PR Battle?
Israel’s enemies have never been able to defeat her with conventional forces on the field of battle. So they have turned to other means over the decades, including suicide bombings, massive rocket barrages and other unconventional attacks. But they have also launched another type of warfare against Israel, and that is by attacking Israel’s legitimacy in the court of public opinion. This public relations battle takes many forms, such as in the media and in the ‘lawfare’ being waged against Israel in various international courts and UN forums. There are also the efforts to strangle Israel economically through boycotts and sanctions, also known as the BDS campaign. Now all these efforts seem to be gaining ground and Israelis all agree that they really need to do a better job in responding to this challenge. So why is Israel failing to get its side of the story across? What could the Israeli government and people do to beat back the delegitimization efforts and to improve its image worldwide? What does the future hold for Israel’s relations with the world? And how can Israel’s Christian friends help? Can Israel Win the PR Battle? That’s our focus next week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll hear from Col. Miri Eisen, a former IDF officer and spokeswoman who became a well-known figure defending Israel on various TV news shows over recent years. She continues to speak out on behalf of the IDF and the Jewish State, and at a recent conference at Tel Aviv University, Col. Eisen addressed the question of why Israel’s efforts at public relations seem to be ineffective. We’ll bring you highlights from her presentation.

Airing the weekend of August 15, 2015

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, August 17, 2015

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