BREAKING NEWS: 3 Firefighters Killed, Several Injured in Washington State

BREAKING: Three firefighters killed, several injured battling blaze in Washington state Let us be in constant prayer for all! 
Three firefighters were killed near Spokane, Washington, fighting one of the more than 100 wildfires burning across the West, authorities said.
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The Hot Shot’s Prayer

When I am called to duty, Lord…

To fight the roaring blaze…

Please keep me safe and strong…

I may be here for days.

Be with my fellow crewmembers…

As we hike up to the top.

Help us cut enough line…

For this blaze to stop.

Let my skills and hands…

Be firm and quick.

Let me find those safety zones.

As we hit and lick.

For if this day on the line…

I should answer death’s call…

Lord, bless my hot shot Crew…

My family, one and all.

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