American Values, End of Day, with Gary Bauer: “Death To America”; Honor Our Heroes, Lower The Flag Now; Obama’s Latest Spying Scandal; Marriage Debate Far From Over



Monday, July 20, 2015

From: Gary L. Bauer

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“Death To America”

Anyone hoping that President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran would lead to better relations with the Islamic Republic got a rude awakening this weekend. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, delivered what one report called a “viciously anti-U.S. speech.”

Referring to recent mass protests in Iran against America and Israel, Khamenei said:


“The slogans of the people of Iran showed what our orientations are. On Quds Day, the slogan of ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ shook the scene of the country. . . .The entire country stood under the umbrella of this movement. . . .”

Then, speaking about Iranian foreign policy in the aftermath of the nuclear deal, the ayatollah said this:


“. . .our policy towards the arrogant government of America will not change in any way despite these negotiations. . . The American policies in the [Middle East] are 180 degrees the opposite of the policies of the Islamic Republic. The Americans accuse Hezbollah and the Lebanese Resistance . . . of terrorism. There is no injustice worse than this. This is while they support the terrorist child-killing government of [Israel.] How can one do business, negotiate and reach an agreement with such a policy? . . .

“From the beginning of the Revolution until today, five other U.S. presidents died or were lost in history dreaming that they would force the Islamic Republic to surrender. [Obama] too will enjoy the same fate.”

As Congress takes up the Iranian nuclear deal, Reverend Franklin Graham is calling Christians to prayer, warning that the deal represents a “death sentence” for Israel. In a Facebook post, Rev. Graham wrote:


“President Barack Obama is heralding his nuclear deal with Iran as ‘another chapter in the pursuit of a more helpful and more hopeful world.’ I don’t think so. Iran has a history of funding terrorism around the world, and they are Israel’s worst enemy. We are alienating our decades-long allies and cozying up to their enemies and ours. . . . Some are calling this deal a potential death sentence for the State of Israel. Pray for our Congress that God would give them wisdom as they debate this important agreement. There’s a lot at stake here.”


Honor Our Heroes, Lower The Flag Now

It’s been four days since a radicalized Islamist killed five unarmed servicemen in Chattanooga, Tennessee. President Obama, who bathed the White House in the colors of the gay rights movement after the Supreme Court’s ruling redefining marriage, has yet to order flags at half-staff in honor of those killed Thursday. I call on him to do so immediately.

Mayor Sal Panto of Easton, Pennsylvania, didn’t wait for Obama. He lowered the American flag early Saturday morning. The mayor said, “I’m fully aware I don’t have the authority to do this, but I feel I just had to remind the president. . . . I don’t think he realized that this was something that he should do.”

There were demonstrations over the weekend at the military facilities where last week’s attacks occurred. Some the demonstrators were armed, many of them were angry — angry at lax immigration policies and the left-wing policies that disarmed our fighting men and women.

Like Mayor Panto, six governors took matters into their own hands and issued orders to arm National Guardsmen. Indiana Governor Mike Pence, for example, issued an executive order allowing National Guardsmen with the proper permits to carry their personal weapons. Those without permits will be able to quickly obtain them.

“The action that we’ve taken is born of my heartfelt desire to make sure that those who are defending our freedom can defend themselves in the event that they are put in harm’s way,” Pence said.

Meanwhile, the family of the shooter is attempting to reframe the story, claiming that Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez was the victim of mental illness, as the Obama Administration continues its search for a motive.


Obama’s Latest Spying Scandal

If you thought the government spying scandal was over, think again. It turns out that the NSA isn’t the only one spying on us.

The Obama Administration is reportedly building a massive federal database of Americans based on information such as “health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school.” All of these data are being classified by racial categories and reportedly involves more information that the IRS collects.

The purpose of the database is to push big government social engineering to new levels, no doubt lining the pockets of a myriad of left-wing special interest groups. We will keep you posted as we learn more.


Marriage Debate Far From Over

For all those who think the marriage debate is over, the latest Associated Press poll suggests otherwise. For example:


  • On same-sex marriage, Americans split 42% in favor to 40% opposed.
  • Only 39% of Americans approved of last month’s Supreme Court decision forcing same-sex marriage on every state in the union.
  • By a 20-point margin (59% to 39%), Americans said wedding-related business owners with religious objections should not be forced to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies.
  • By a similar margin (56% to 39%), Americans said it was more important for government to protect religious liberty than gay rights.Maybe these results will wake up the leadership in Congress. In spite of the massive media drumbeat, the marriage issue is basically tied and we’ve got a big edge on religious liberty. But you can’t win a debate unless you are prepared to debate. The empty chair never wins an argument.
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