When Shemitah, Blood Moons and the Messiah Meet

KDAZ AM730’s Frank Haley passed this along to us this morning! blood moon
JewishChristian  and  secular  writers are all focusing their attention on this coming September. Those whose eyes and ears are open understand that the time is pregnant with possibilities for a dramatic  End of Days scenario .
Read more at https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/43921/when-shemitah-blood-moons-messiah-meet-jewish-world/#JsF243ufGOq50S4q.99


“Six years you may sow your land and gather in its produce. But in the seventh [year] you shall release it and abandon it; the poor of your people shall eat [it], and what they leave over, the beasts of the field shall eat. So shall you do to your vineyard [and] to your olive tree[s].” (Exodus 23:10-11)
Read more at https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/43921/when-shemitah-blood-moons-messiah-meet-jewish-world/#JsF243ufGOq50S4q.99

–During the blood moon tetrad of 1948, the Land of Israel was restored to the Jewish people. During the blood moon tetrad of 1967, the reunited city of Jerusalem was restored to the Jewish people. During the blood moon tetrad of 2015, will Israel will regain dominion over the Temple Mount and be able to restore God’s presence there after 2,000 years?

One indication that the Temple Mount might soon revert to Jewish hands is found in the story Breaking Israel News reported on June 15, 2015. Billions of dollars worth of gold exists in the mountains near Eilat. Its excavators, Temple Mount activist Rabbi Yehudah Glick and his partner Yehoshua Friedman, plan to mine the gold and use it towards the rebuilding of the Third Holy Temple.
Read more at https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/43921/when-shemitah-blood-moons-messiah-meet-jewish-world/#JsF243ufGOq50S4q.99

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