U.S. Official Confirms Rumors of Massive Concessions to Iran


Flags of the US and Iran (GRAPHIC)A senior Obama administration official told The Jerusalem Post on Monday that the P5+1 nuclear powers (US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany) have “worked out a process that we believe will ensure that the IAEA has the access it needs” to all sites related to Iran’s renegade nuclear program. However, the official added, “The entry point isn’t, ‘we must be able to get into every military site,’ because the United States of America wouldn’t allow anybody to get into every military site. So that’s not appropriate. There are conventional military purposes; There are military secrets that any country has that they’re not willing to share with other people.” The official went on to explain that if “the IAEA believes that it needs access, and has a reason for that access, then we have a process to ensure that that access is given. If that happens to be a military site, then that should be available.” Read More

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