PODCAST: From My Heart With Pastor Dewey, Does America Celebrate Flag Day Anymore?


American flagDeweys Message from the Heartmicrophone Deweys

Flag Day will soon be here! June 14th is the day, every year in America! I love flag day, I love old glory and what she stands for! I love this day also because my Daddy was born on this date! He would tease us kids on Flag Day when we would go up town and all the flags were flying around the town square, and say, “Hey, kids look, they are flying the flag for my birthday!” In part the flags were flying for my Daddy and others like him that have served our country in time of war. Has America forgotten what Flag Day represents? Does America even celebrate Flag Day anymore? There was a time when 300,000 children gathered in America to celebrate Flag Day. Please listen to my podcast today.


  1. Time is going by REALLY fast for sure. Very good podcast. Always enjoy them! :) Thank you for this uplifting feature. :)

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