Pentecost Sunday: Churches Around The World Celebrate The Coming of The Holy Spirit in Acts 2

Photo of Bethany Lutheran Church Near Bergen, Minnesota from Bob Hanson. This is the Church my Grandpa and Grandma, Floyd and Lean Caraway attended. I attended Church with them there a few times. Such a lovely Church. I miss Grandma and Grandpa greatly. They helped raise me up to be a preacher, it took me years, but I am here! Grandma spoke over me in 1974 that I would be a preacher! Glory!

As Pastor Paul Holt posted earlier today at FGGAM, today is Pentecost Sunday, the day when Churches around the world celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. Churches traditionally give attention to the work of the Holy Spirit on this particular day.

We need the Holy Spirit as never before. The early Protestant Reformers adopted this motto: “Reformed, yet always reforming.”

As we pray about our future, and as we face the challenges and the opportunities before us, we desperately need the blessings of the Lord. We want the Holy Spirit to lead us so that we go in His direction, at His speed. and His time.

Dr. J. Vernon McGee was the speaker at a Commencement service at the Dallas Theological Seminary when he was in his 80’s……he commented on that day that if he could start his ministry over again, he would do one thing differently. Bethany Lutheran Church near BergenHe said he would preach more on the Holy Spirit because of the great need of the Church.

“Be filled with the Spirit” Ephesians 5:18

“Live by the Spirit” Galatians 5:16

“Do not quench the Spirit” I Thessalonians 5:10

May you have a very blessed Pentecost Sunday! in Jesus name, Amen!

Today is Pentecost Sunday by Pastor Paul

My latest Podcast: From My Heart on Pentecost Sunday


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