ABQ’s Fr. Imbarrato Becomes Full-Time Pro-Life Priest


Screen Shot 2015-05-27 at 11.37.07 AMBy Bud Shaver

Albuquerque’s leading pro-life Priest Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, has received permission from New Mexico Archbishop Michael Sheehan to make pro-life ministry his full-time focus. Fr. Imbarrato will remain in Albuquerque, New Mexico but will join Priests for Life on June 12, 2015. Priests for Life is the nation’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia.

Fr. Imbarrato founded two leading pro-life organizations in New Mexico, Project Defending Life and Protest ABQ. In fact it was Fr. Imbarrato who invited Tara and I to do ministry work here in New Mexico five years ago when we were interns for Operation Rescue. Albuquerque in now known nationally as the Late-Term Abortion Capital of America.

We are really excited about how God is moving Fr. Imbarrato into a leading national role with Priests For Life and are looking forward to the great things God is accomplishing in New Mexico and all across the country…and I think Satan just got a little nervous!

Fr. Imbarrato issued the following statement, “For the last 10 years I have been blessed to be in parish ministry as well as pro-life ministry. I believe the time is right to answer Our Lord’s call of full time ministry dedicated to end pre-born child killing, What better means to do this than with Father Frank Pavone and the Priests for Life team? I am very blessed.”

Read the full Press Release from Fr. Frank Pavone and Priests for Life here: New Mexico Priest to Join Full-Time Priests for Life Team

To find out more about Father Imbarrato, visit www.PriestsForLife.org.
To book him for an interview, email media@priestsforlife.org.
To schedule him for a trip to your Church or pro-life event, email travels@priestsforlife.org.

Father Stephen Imbarrato​ is a native of New Jersey who was ordained to the priesthood after studying at Holy Apostles Seminary in Connecticut. But before that, he had a brush with abortion in an event that caused him to develop a passion for ending abortion in the United States.

Read Fr. Imbarrato’s testimony at LifeNews.com​ here: His Girlfriend Aborted Their Twin Babies, Now He’s a Pro-Life Priest Working to End Abortion

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