The King

Photo Credit, David Niblack,

Photo Credit, David Niblack, Imagebase.netcross-77999_640
“The Man Nobody Knows” – by Bruce Barton – pgs 219-220

“On a barren hill beyond the city walls they nailed his perfect body to the cross. Two robbers were also crucified with him. It was over. The rabble had sickened quickly of its revenge, and scattered; His friends were hiding; the soldiers were busy casting lots for His garments. There was nothing left of the external influences which fire men’s imaginations, or grip their loyalty. Surely the victory of His enemies was complete; He could do no miracle there, hanging on a wooden cross. And yet, we read, “JESUS!” It was the voice of one of the robbers. “Jesus,” he says painfully, “remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom!” Read Him as weak, a man of sorrows, uninspiring, glad to die. There have been leaders who could call forth enthusiasm when their fortunes ran high. But He, when His enemies had done their worst, so bore Himself that a crucified felon looked into His dying eyes and saluted him as – KING!”

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