Dear Family and Friends,
We send our love to you all………
It’s been quite a morning here at FGGAM, hearing from Malaysia, the need in Nepal, to Texas, to South Dakota and more!
We Praise God we are here!!! Amen!!!
Please pray over these needs………
I’m driving to Lubbock Sunday for
an overnight trip and will return Sunday night. I’ll be looking at two
properties my husband & I have picked out. We hope to put in an offer on one of
them next week. (We’ve already had negotiations fall through on a property last
week.) We hope to have a property secured so we will have a place to move to in
the event our house sells quickly when we list it next month. Appreciate prayers
for travel mercies and God’s leading on such major transactions. God Bless you, Shonda Savage in El Paso, Texas
Now I know the trip is over, but prayers are need as Shonda and her husband and son make this move.
Let us keep them in our prayers! Amen! We pray the favor of God upon the family, in Jesus name, Amen!
We just love Shonda and her family, she writes for us here at the CUP and FGGAM! PTL!
As many of you know Shonda’s son is in prison and we are praying for Stephen’s release TODAY! Amen! Shonda has been a great
help to Lucy in Midland, offering support and Godly advice! Amen! The Body of Christ at work, Amen! PTL!
We have this need for Michael. We are praying for him, he is in prison in Texas, his Mom Lucy in Midland, Texas let me know this……
Michael said that he hasn’t been able to buy paper, stamps, or envelopes
because of the fact that the guards haven’t let the go to commissary.
We are praying Lucy! We are also praying for the Parole Board to release Michael today! Amen!
I had written Michael a letter and he got it! Praise God for that! If you would like to write to Michael or Stephen let me know! Amen!
Please pray for my brother Daryl in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Pray for a clear mind. Amen!
We are in constant prayer for the people of Nepal. Please click on this headline on how you can help:
Pastor Leonard Navarre: Here is One Way You Can Help The People of Nepal
Yesterday Glenn and Kelly Snelgrove of Edgewood, New Mexico celebrated their 29th Wedding Anniversary!!! PRAISE GOD!!! Everyday I Praise God for the lives of Glenn and Kelly. Glenn owns and operates LM Building Services, call 505-934-1430, providing such services as plumbing, heating, air conditioning and other services for your home or business. We have used his services and I am here to tell you he shines the light of Jesus Christ……he serves according to God’s Word. Kelly is an Administrative Assistant at Valley View Christian Church in Edgewood and is also involved in many different aspects of the ministry at Valley View, including the food pantry. We are blessed that Kelly writes for us here at FGGAM with “Kelly’s Word for the Day” Glenn and Kelly serve God and us, the Body of Christ, for that, Sharon and I are so ever grateful. The verse that comes to my mind and heart when I think of Glenn and Kelly is Matthew 5:16……..In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Pictures are of the Food Pantry at Valley View, Glenn and Kelly and Glenn and son Jonathan working on our boiler. The whole family shines Jesus, the whole family testifies Jesus to us all! The life of the Snelgrove family PREACHES to us all! Amen, Thank YOU LORD! I also think of this verse when it comes to Glenn and Kelly…….from Mark 10:45…..For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Kelly’s Word For The Day~ Proverbs 27:19
PRAISE GOD!!!!! What a testimony this is to us all! AMEN! I just got this report from my Dear Friend Tan Tian in Malaysia: A Heavy Cross to Bear……Malaysian authorities earlier this week said the church should put back the cross on the building’s facade, as there was nothing wrong in doing so as it was the symbol of Christianity.