RUSSIA ANNOUNCES PLANS TO SELL ADVANCED MISSILES TO IRAN ON EVE OF HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY.* Special “Third Target” simulcast on Sunday, April 19th. * Come with me on tour of Israel & Jordan this fall! By Joel C. Rosenberg (@joelcrosenberg on Twitter)
This raises the disturbing question of whether the near-term deployment of an advanced Russian air defense system around Iran’s most sensitive nuclear sites — combined with growing concerns by numerous experts that the nuclear deal set on the table by President Obama and the P5+1 will put Iran on the legal path to building nuclear weapons in the not-too-distant-future — could actually make war in the near term more likely, rather than less. Is this the case? Let’s hope not. None of us wants to see a war between Iran and Israel (or the U.S. and Iran) unless absolutely necessary and only as a last possible resort. I certainly don’t. Indeed, I wrote a trilogy of novels about an American President pressuring an Israeli Prime Minister not to launch a preemptive strike on Iran, only to have Israel do it any way, with grave and unexpected consequences. Still, a number of experts in the region are suggesting war in the epicenter is suddenly becoming more likely. Consider the following articles….. [to read the full column, please go to the blog] ——————- ON HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY, FOUR HEROES TO REMEMBER — Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, begins at sundown.How will you remember the Holocaust and teach your children? This year, let us all make time to remember the six million Jews that were murdered by the Nazis, including 1.5 million children. Let us honor their memories, and pledge ourselves never to forget them. Let us devote ourselves to making sure such evil is never allowed to happen again. This is not just a time for Jews to remember. This is a day for the whole world to remember and commit themselves to standing against evil and against genocide in our time, especially in the face of the Iranian nuclear threat, Russia’s decision to sell advanced missiles to Iran (announced on the eve of Yom HaShoah), and the murderous rampage upon which ISIS is engaged. This evening, Lynn and I have been invited to attend the Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at Yad Vashem, Israel’s renowned Holocaust memorial and research center. I attended last year for the first time, and I am deeply honored to be able to return and bring my wife. I hope to Tweet updates, and post more on this blog so you can track what is happening and consider its significance. We will also attend additional events and ceremonies with Holocaust survivors, Israeli leaders, and various Jewish and Christian leaders. As with last year, I am very much looking forward to this, especially because several of the scholars here were enormously helpful as I was researching “The Auschwitz Escape.” My hope and prayer this year is that in addition to remembering those who died in the “Shoah” — the Holocaust — we will also remember the four extraordinary heroes who escaped from Auschwitz 71 years ago this spring to tell the world the truth about what the Nazis were doing, the very men whose remarkable courage and selflessness inspired The Auschwitz Escape. They are: Rudolf Vrba, Alfred Wetzler, Arnost Rosin, and Czeslaw Mordowicz. It is the story of these four men that inspired me to write “The Auschwitz Escape.” Last year, published a column I wrote sketching out their dramatic saga. I’ve posted a link on the blog. I hope you’ll take a moment to read the whole column, and then share it with others. Thanks so much. May more such heroes rise up in our generation. ——————- COME ON A TOUR OF ISRAEL & JORDAN WITH ME & THE JOSHUA FUND IN OCTOBER — With U.S.-Israel relations fraying, and so much at stake, I invite you to join us for The Joshua Fund’s next “Prayer & Vision Tour Of The Holy Land.” Come and pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and healing between American and Israeli leaders. Come pray for Israel’s important and valued neighbors, as well. The Israel portion of the tour will be October 14-25, 2015. And for the first time ever, we will lead an optional additional tour to the Biblical sites of the Kingdom of Jordan for those who want to extend their time and learn more. This will be from October 25-29, 2015. If you have never been to the Holy Land, it is hard to describe what a profound spiritual effect such a journey can have on you and your family. You may have heard others say God’s Word seemed to “come alive” in a new way when they walked where Jesus walked, from the shores of Galilee to the Mount of Olives and into the streets of Jerusalem. Well, it’s true, and I believe our 2015 Israel trip will allow you to experience this for yourself and intensify your desire to walk more closely with Jesus Christ. [To learn more about the trip — and to register — please go to the blog, or to] ——————- WATCH OUR SPECIAL SIMULCAST ON “THE THIRD TARGET” ON SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 19TH — Full details are available at the link at the bottom of this email, and on the blog. —————————– KEY ARTICLES ON THE BLOG RIGHT NOW: * Killing Christians: persecution of Christians is worse than ever, so why is the Church growing? * I’m hard at work on the sequel to “The Third Target.” Here’s an update. (Also, our special simulcast on trends in the Mideast and Christian persecution is Sun, April 19th. There’s still time to register.) * The President vows “Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch.” That’s only 20 months. What about after? Here’s the latest details on the draft nuclear deal & its flaws. * My spiritual journey: How my parents & I came to faith in Jesus Christ. (All over the world, people ask me, “Joel, how can you be Jewish and believe in Jesus?” Here’s my answer.) * Israeli scholar says 1st century Jews awaited Messiah who would die & rise again. Argues “third day resurrection” an idea that pre-dates Jesus. * What is the most controversial prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, and why read it at Passover? [To read these and other stories, or to order THE THIRD TARGET or THE AUSCHWITZ ESCAPE — or to find links to the latest news and analysis of events and trends in the U.S., Israel, North Africa, Russia, and the Middle East — please go to:] ———————————— * A Third Great Awakening — a sweeping spiritual revival — in the U.S. and Canada. * The peace of Jerusalem — geopolitical but also spiritual peace through the Prince of Peace * The Palestinian people in Gaza to be liberated from the reign of terror imposed by Hamas and other terrorist groups * Israeli, Egyptian and Jordanian leaders to have wisdom to know how best to protect their citizens going forward and live in quiet and calm with their neighbors * The President of the United States and his top advisors to have a change of heart and to truly stand unequivocally with Israel, America’s best friend and most faithful ally in the Mideast * The President and other nations to know how best to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons, defeat ISIS and stop the genocide, and prevent terror attacks on the U.S. and our allies * Persecuted in Christians throughout the epicenter to be brave and bold for Christ and faithful lights amidst such darkness * The protection of moderate Arabs and other Muslims in the region from Radical Islam, particularly in Jordan * The Lord to strengthen His Church and reveal His Word and the transforming power of the Gospel to all the people of the epicenter, and that the Father would draw them to His Son * The Joshua Fund to have the wisdom to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus, as the Lord guides and provides ———————————— * TWITTER — Please track the latest developments @joelcrosenberg. |