Happy Birthday Woman of God, Anita Price!


Today is the birthday of our Dear Friend in Christ, Anita Price of Sidney, Montana. Anita and her hubby Craig are best friends. They were my first friends when I started at KGCX Radio in Sidney! Not only did they speak the life of Jesus Christ into me…they set an Godly example for me. When I think of Anita today on her special day, I think of this verse from Proverbs 31:26….. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Anita for what you have taught me over the last 36 years! You have set before us an awesome testimony! We need more Anita’s and Craig’s in this world we live in! Amen! Thank you LORD for Anita and Craig! Amen! PraisePrice 4 in march GOD! Anita and Craig stopped by for a visit awhile back and pictured here is my Angel Sharon on the left with Anita on the right and also the four of us! Anita and Craig are shining the light brightly for Jesus in the Sidney area, always have and always will. Who is speaking wisdom and kindness into your life? Do you speak it into others? Price in MarchPlease read this post on friendship by clicking on the headline:

Most Important CUP Ever? Friendships Are A Treasure, What Is A Godly Friendship?

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