6 Babies Strong


Mom dad and baby Q

8 pregnancies and 6 deliveries. I never thought I would have this many babies…or be blessed this radically. The only reason I’ve survived any of it, is bc of my rock(aka Tom). The big bellies, the horrible pain, and the joy at the end…all priceless. The journey that we are on, is not for the faint of heart. The ages of our miracles? 18, 13, 11, 7, 4, and almost 2!

The journey takes us all the way from talking through theology(with our 18 year old)to telling our youngest not to lick the table….yes, it is crazy at times…honestly it is crazy MOST of the time! Would I change it? Would I want anything…ANYTHING different? No. This challenging life, brings with it joys and pleasures, that FAR outweigh my greatest imaginations of parenthood.

It also breaks us.

And that is a GOOD thing. I have become less, so that God can become MORE in me. It doesn’t mean that I neglect who I am, it means that I am learning…learning to EMBRACE this season. It is hard. There are moments when I feel less than able to handle all that one 24 hour day will bring…but I have The ROCK that is greater than I. In my weakness He becomes strong.  Every heated moment of trials draws more of my stubbornness out and allows Him to pour more of His grace into my heart.

It helps me to understand, maybe a snapshot of how He feels about me. And all I can do is walk this out one day at a time. It all brings to mind the quote “there are two gifts we should give our children, one is roots, and the other is wings” I pray God helps us give both.

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I am Vincy Willamowski, a wife for 15 years and a mother of six beautiful kids. I've been a radio personality for over 17 years. For a long time I felt my "calling" was simply speaking to people over the airwaves. Things have changed in the last few years. I felt and feel led to share my life story with as many people as I can. The story that God has given me isn't pretty, nor is it always easy to repeat, but through it His grace has turned my "mourning into dancing!" My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I believe God's plans for each and every one of us are GOOD! What seems impossible, can be made whole. What feels like the end of the road can turn into the beginning! His future isn't always how we pictured our own, but once we catch His vision, we can finally LIVE! For so long I was burdened by guilt and fear, two triggers in my life that had control. God has given me insights into how to disable to enemy, and cause him to run in fear from the God that is within me! I hope to speak life, God's wonderful life, into each and every heart that I come into contact with. May God bless you all richly!

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