Thursday CUP of Prayer, Let us Pray for Baby Nevaeh and Albuquerque Police Dept.


Baby NevaehDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We love you all!

It has been a very busy time with our preaching in Reserve, going to Denver, getting back, Sharon and Lars birthday, ministry calls, counseling, news, website, radio show, car trouble …we just Praise God for what he is doing! Amen! God has us and you covered! Amen!

I have so much to share! Amen!

Today I bring to you Baby Nevaeh of Albuquerque. She is a new born whose heart stopped. She is in the University of New Mexico Hospital and the folks from Valley View Christian Church have rallied around Nevaeh, Mommy and Daddy and family. Kelly Snlegrove of Valley View, who writes for us here at FGGAM,  is leading the charge of God’s angels here on earth to help this family. Here is her report as of Thursday afternoon:

Elizabeth and Joseph thank you and everyone for your prayers! Nevaeh is
improving and beginning to get stronger. She is so precious! Mom and dad are
doing well. Extended family came to see baby yesterday… They are taking steps
toward healing in their relationship. Let us give Him the glory as our Creator
and Healer! Please keep the prayers coming for them all! Thank

Let us continue our prayers for baby Nevaeh! For complete healing! In Jesus name, we pray…….Amen!!! As you might see, her name is heaven spelled backwards!!! Every life is so very precious to our Father in heaven! Amen! A picture says a thousand words doesn’t it????

We also have this very sad news out of Albuquerque today:

My heart breaks at this news……….This is from the Albuquerque Police Facebook page: Albuquerque-police-department-logopraying-614374_640

Members of the Albuquerque Police Department are asking for the community’s thoughts and prayers as we mourn the loss of one of our own.

This morning officers were gathering at a location on University NE for role-play training on how to verbally interact with people in crisis . Before the training began, one of the officers suffered a catastrophic medical event. Immediately, officers on scene began preforming CPR until members of the Albuquerque Fire Department and Albuquerque Ambulance team arrived. Also on scene was the medical director of the Albuquerque Fire Department who guided emergency procedures on the officer and did everything he could to assist. The officer was transported to UNMH and succumbed to the medical episode. This was not an incident related in any way to the training, and is a very tragic loss for our community. We are asking for continued prayers for the officer and the officer’s family during this tragic time.

Next of kin has not yet been notified.

From Pastor Dewey:

Let us keep the Albuquerque Police Department in our prayers, they have been and are going through so much stress!

Be still, and know that I am God
Psalm 46:10

“A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.”
Ecclesiastes 7:1

Jesus replied, “You do not realise now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
John 13:7

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
John 14:27

Here is a strong message from Pastor Leonard Navarre of Valley View Christian Church:

Your Bible Boost

March 24, 2015


I was reading a story the other day about a community that had a well to water most everyone’s lawn in the neighborhood.  The article stated that the well went down 250 feet.  But, it wasn’t long before they noticed that the water was running scare.  So, they decided to drill a little deeper.  They drilled another 50 feet and lo and behold, they tripled their water output.  Now they have more than enough water for everyone in the neighborhood.  Our time in God’s Word is just like that well.  When we spend time in God’s Word drilling a little deeper we see significant improvement in our knowledge of His Word.  However, there is another benefit to digging a little deeper.  We also experience a significant improvement in our relationship to and with HIM AND others.  So, don’t give up and don’t give in.  No compromise.  Steal the time from other things and PRIORITIZE SPENDING TIME WITH HIM AND HIS WORD.  God will multiply your efforts by giving you more of the LIVING WATER!


Psalm 1:1-2  How blessed is the one who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!

But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.


Pastor Leonard Navarre

Valley View Christian Church

Edgewood, New Mexico 87015study Bible

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