• SJR-19 TRIBAL GAMBLING COMPACTS:  Compacts passed the Senate 37 to 7.  They extend the hours of operation from 20 to 24.  They allow the casinos to loan money to gamblers (markers) over $10,000.  They relieve the casinos of legal liability if they get someone drunk and they injure or kill someone. They allow five new casinos over six years.  They will likely not have as easy a time in the House.  Calls help.  Look below for instructions.
  • SB-240:  Tax loophole to reduce tax owed to state by $12,500 for every live race. Seems to be bottled up in Senate Finance Committee.
  • HB-200:  House version of SB-240.  Seems to be bottled up in House Ways and Means Committee.
  • SB-355 PURCHASE LOTTERY TICKETS WITH PLASTIC.  Part of the master plan for the lottery to expand to buy tickets with plastic at the gas pump, then to all ATM machines, then to mobile devices.  Smart business tactic for toxic product.  Institutionalized unfairness, inequality and dishonesty.  Bill passed the Senate, is now in House Regulatory and Public Affairs Committee.
  • SB-706: Also another tax loophole for the tracks by recalculating “net take” of track casinos. Would allow deduction of free food, lodging, services, etc from net win, the amount taxes are based on. Passed two senate committees and went to the Senate Floor, but Senate Judiciary pulled it into their committee because of tax problems.  Hold fire on this one.Stop Predatory Gambling New Mexico opposes all these bills. We have been sending out email action alerts on these bills, as well as posting the alerts on this website, and in the Stop Predatory Gambling New Mexico website.Members of the House of Representatives can be found by clicking here, then clicking on the hyperlink, “OR Search By Address” and entering your address in the field that asks for it.Members of the Senate can be found by clicking here, then clicking on the hyperlink, “OR Search By Address” and entering your address in the field that asks for it.

    After finding their name, you can reach their office by calling the legislative switchboard at 505-986-4300505-986-4300 and asking for their office.  You usually leave a message with the legislator’s secretary.  Make it short, to the point, and be polite. The main bills we’re worried about are SB-355, the lottery bill, and HRJ-19, the tribal gambling bill.  As mentioned above, SB-355 is in House Regulatory and Public Affairs Committee, and the tribal bill is on the House floor calendar.

    We will sent out additional alerts in the next six and a half days of the legislature.  We appreciate your help a lot.

    Dr. Guy Clark, chairman
    Stop Predatory Gambling New Mexico

– See more at: https://stoppredatorygambling.org/new-mexico/events/legislative-scoreboard-up-to-this-march-14-point/#sthash.x6XQCs1I.dpuf

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