Good Morning Beautiful People




Good Morning Beautiful People

I just wanted to share another Faith building story with you today. As President of Aglow International Presque Isle Community Lighthouse several years ago now, I felt a stirring to take a team to Los Angeles, California for mission work at the Dream Center. Two of us ended up going and God supplied supernaturally.

As we were feeding the homeless one evening in Santa Monica, a team member from that area shared how she attends a prayer school of ministry and how much she was learning. Of course I piped up and said we want to go. We watch him on television and we would love the opportunity to be part of that teaching even if it’s only for one night. She informed me we would need special permission. So I called headquarters and asked just for that special permission. They said they would get back to me. I never heard back and the day arrived for the session that evening. It’s funny because this day was the only day that had holes in our schedule. Hmm… The young lady that shared about the school called to see if permission had been granted. So I called ministry headquarters again and I asked for special permission for that one service being held that evening. They said they would need to get back to me. I must admit I was struggling with my Believe. I jut kept praying Lord please set this up.

It wasn’t more than twenty minutes and the call came in and said they would love to have us join them and come early so we could set in the studio as they were taping his sessions on prayer. I jumped up and down I was so excited. See, I know the importance of prayer and I wanted to learn more.

So we took a taxi to meet a friend of the team member that served with us in Santa Monica a few days earlier. The taxi cab driver took us around in circles and of course we didn’t know and he charged us an outrageous fee for the trip. He mustn’t be familiar with the scripture that states what you have done in the dark will be brought to the light, silly guy.

So we join up with our new found Santa Monica friend’s friend and are on the freeway when my cell phone rings and my sister from Maine called to inquire how things were going. She wondered my whereabouts and I replied I’m not sure. I guess I wasn’t concerned how I got there as long as we arrived. She then inquired who are you with? I glanced over at the driver of the vehicle that I was a passenger with and inquired what’s your name? Isn’t this everything you tell your children not to do? I sensed my dear sister’s anxiety over my situation. However, I knew God was in all of this. He was setting up what I had asked in prayer.

The class that night was held in his television studio. The anointing was so strong. I must admit what stands out in my remembrance the most was the offering that was collected for another man’s ministry. This other very large ministry’s Pastor had surgery and was in need of funds. God spoke to this television evangelist and he took up an offering for this other man’s ministry. This man gave sacrificially from his own ministry and pocket as well. I remember thinking wow this man is kingdom minded even to the finances. God can trust him with much. I was blessed.

That whole story brings me to my own church attendance today. On the schedule was a water baptism. Wow it was nice to see local folks take that step. Usually this church performs their baptisms in the river. Not this time of year in Northern Maine, ice fishing yes, baptisms no. Another local church loaned our church their baptismal tank. It was sort of neat to hear the story of whom the first person baptized years ago in that tank at the other church was. This boys’ parents were in attendance at the church I was in attendance with today. See that’s Kingdom minded churches in action.

Since all the glory goes to God anyway, and you can’t own the working of God’s spirit, why not help each other. I laughed when I thought of the tank later. Right in the light sat another denominations churches baptismal tank for this church to baptize their people. My heart was filled with joy as I saw the same kind of thing happening right here in Maine as I saw in that television studio years ago. Kingdom minded people desiring others to know Jesus. Isn’t that what being a Christian is all about? Causing hopeless people to dream again, yes it is, yes it is, smart Christians.

Together, let’s continue to build bridges for the Kingdom of God. Let’s help one another ministries. Oh and one more thing- lets pray for the silly taxi driver.


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