Gary Bauer Reports: Protocol Versus Jihadists With Nukes, Cotton Returns Fire and The Locker Room at Planet Fitness


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer

Protocol Versus Jihadists With Nukes

Republican senators who signed Senator Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) letter to Iranian leaders are now under the same withering attack that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu endured for a month. Look at the parallels.

Netanyahu wanted to warn Congress and the American people that the Iranian nuclear deal would not stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Netanyahu said the deal “paves Iran’s path to the bomb.”

But rather than address Netanyahu’s concerns, the political left resorted to arguments about protocol. Some Obama allies even tried to make the controversy personal, insisting that Netanyahu was disrespecting Obama.

The reality is that for six years the president has disrespected the prime minister. Obama has walked out of White House meetings with Netanyahu. He has allowed unnamed officials to mock him in media.

Now nearly half of the Senate has sent a letter to the Iranian government attempting to explain the process by which binding agreements are made with America. And the left is on the attack, once again using protocol arguments.

Vice President Joe Biden issued a statement yesterday saying he was offended by the letter. He accused the signers of attempting to “undercut our president and circumvent our constitutional system.”

The New York Daily News headline today reads, “TRAITORS,” referring to the senators who signed the letter. When will the Daily News run the headline, “DICTATOR,” referring to the way the president is treating the other branches of government?

For his part, Obama quipped that conservative senators were forming an odd alliance with hardliners in Iran. The reality is that Obama is caving in to the hardliners, giving them virtually everything they have demanded for over a year.

Few media reports are commenting on the reason 47 senators signed the letter — Obama has repeatedly vowed not to submit the nuclear deal to the U.S. Senate. That is the real violation of protocol, the real circumvention of our constitutional system that should offend Joe Biden.

Cotton Returns Fire

Senator Tom Cotton, organizer of the letter, is standing his ground and firing back at his critics. He reminded his hosts on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe:”

“Joe Biden . . . has been wrong about nearly every foreign policy and national security decision in the last 40 years. . . .[The Iranians] have been killing Americans for 35 years. They’ve killed hundreds of troops in Iraq. Now they control five capitals in the Middle East. There are nothing but hard-liners in Iran, and if they do all of those things without a nuclear weapon, imagine what they would do with one.”

Voters Want Change

The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll asked registered voters about their views on the 2016 contest. Fifty-nine percent of voters preferred a candidate “who will bring greater changes,” while 38% preferred a “more experienced and tested person.”

Voters were also asked about Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. Fifty-one percent said Hillary was “too much of a return to past policies,” while 60% said the same of Jeb Bush.

It seems a majority of voters are not terribly interested in a Bush v. Clinton redo.

The Left’s War On Normalcy

Imagine you’re a middle-aged woman going to the gym to stay healthy. You walk into the women’s locker room to change and there’s a man in there with you. What would you do?

That’s exactly what happened to one Michigan mother at a Planet Fitness facility two weeks ago. But when she went to the gym management to complain about a man being in the women’s locker room, HER membership was revoked. Planet Fitness said she violated the company’s “no judgment policy.”

Well, it seems Planet Fitness certainly made a judgment — one that condemns the normal reaction of a woman who finds a man in the ladies’ room.

If you think the radical assault on sexual norms will not affect you, think again. Get ready to explain to your 13-year-old daughter why a boy is in the girls’ bathroom at school.

Unfortunately, this same assault on normalcy is nothing new in today’s “modern military.” In fact, transgender individuals in jail for treason now qualify for hormone therapy.

Here’s the latest sorry episode: Lt. Commander Wes Modder, a highly decorated Navy chaplain who once pastored Navy SEALs, is on the verge of being drummed out of the military. All it took was one complaint from a junior officer, who had worked with Modder for only a few weeks.

The complaint alleges that Modder was intolerant of homosexual conduct during private counseling sessions. Modder’s lawyer does not dispute that the chaplain “expressed his sincerely held religious beliefs” during private counseling sessions.

That is precisely what one would expect of any pastor, priest or rabbi, and presumably why someone would seek their advice and counsel.

Not surprisingly, Chaplain Modder has been devastated by this attack on his faith. “They want a chaplain to accommodate policy that contradicts Scripture,” he said. “I need to stand up for righteousness and this is something I cannot walk away from.”

The left’s war on normalcy is very real. No one who cares about faith and family can walk away from it.

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