Detroit Public School to Suspend Kids if Parents Miss Common Core Test Meeting, Education at War


Detriot schoolMy spirit is so disrupted of what is happening to the education system in America. It is a failing system and we seem to keep doing the same stupid things over and over. Here in New Mexico, despite a Republican Governor and her Education chief, the system is still failing. God is the answer, HE always is. Pray God back into the American classroom, until then the system will continue to fail, it is simple as that. It’s almost like our education system is at war with itself. Maybe a better description is that AMERICA IS AT WAR WITH ITSELF! We sure have made a mess here in America. What ever happened to making the world a better place than we found it? The problem here in America is our answer to problems is either technology or money. America is an excellent example of what happens when God is kicked to the curb. As Pastor Tony Evans has said, “America was once a nation under God, but it is now one nation AWAY from GOD!  Teachers at Coleman A. Young Elementary in Detroit, Mich. sent a letter home with
children last week threatening the little kids with suspension if their parents
do not show up to a parent-teacher meeting. The letter thanked two dozen parents
who showed up for a meeting on Thursday.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Students frustrated over a new standardized test are planning school walkouts across New Mexico to protest the requirement.

From Las Cruces to Albuquerque, students are calling for walkouts Monday through social media as districts try to work on preventing the protests.

The backlash comes as millions of students across the country start taking new, more rigorous exams aligned with Common Core standards.

In New Mexico, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, tests, start today.

APS and Rio Rancho Public Schools say they will give any students walking out of the exam an unexcused absence.

APS says any student who does not have an excused absence during testing week will receive a zero on the portion of the test missed.

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