guy clark reportsguy clark****ACTION ALERT–GAMBLING BILLS UPCOMING****

SB 240–LIVE HORSE RACING GAMING TAX REDUCTION, the “racetrack loophole bill”  was heard in Senate Corporation, but with very limited discussion.  It appeared that it was going to be rewritten and sent to Judiciary, but the office reports it is being sent to Judiciary without recommendation to be rewritten there.  This bill would reduce the amount of taxes that a racetrack would owe the state by $7,500 to $12,500 per race-day.

HB 200–LIVE HORSE RACING GAMING TAX REDUCTION, companion to Senate racetrack loophole bill, is scheduled to be heard in House Agriculture on Monday, February 9, at 8:00 AM.  They meet in room 315.  Testimony against the bill would be helpful.  It’s probably too late to contact committee members.

SB 306–GAMING MACHINES AT RACE TRACKS.  The discussion in committee during the bill was very strange and contradictory.  It got a “do pass” recommendation and was sent to Judiciary, where the language may be cleared up.  It either adds days when slots can legally be played when the tracks are getting re-engineered between races or it doesn’t.

SB 355–PURCHASE OF LOTTERY TICKETS WITH CARD was scheduled to be heard on Friday in Senate Corporation, but Senator Smith, the sponsor, did not show up, so it may possibly appear on Monday, although it is not presently on their calendar.  A list of committee members and hyperlink to contact information can be found below:


Senator Clemente Sanchez   

Senator Lee S. Cotter  

Senator Mark Moores  

Senator Michael Padilla

Senator Mary Kay Papen  

Senator Sander Rue

Senator John M. Sapien

Senator Mimi Stewart

Senator William Sharer

If you are not sure about who your senator is, click on the this link. to enter your address.

Then Click on “OR Search by Address”,  below “Name of Legislator” That will give you a field to enter your address.  Enter, and if it is working right it will bring up the name of your Senator.

Click on that, and you will get his/her contact information.

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