Monday CUP of Prayer


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We love you all! We pray you love our new format, please let us know! Jannetta had a huge task in resurrecting our data base! Thank you Jannetta for all you do! We love you and Jim!  Your donations in helping us move forward are much appreciated. We have on going costs here at FGGAM and the Daily CUP, it has been an extra slow Jan. and Dec. Please help if you can.  Your support will mean so much! We pray that the CUP and FGGAM will bring much fruit for the Kingdom in 2015.

Thank you Dr. Steve Hopkins for the many blessings you poured on me this morning!

Thank you Shona Neff for the tremendous blessing you are to Sharon and me!

Angel Murcheson June 2007From time to time Sharon and I get a prayer letter from Angel Murchsion of Presque Isle, Maine. Angel posts everyday here at FGGAM with Angel’s prayer of the day. Angel is not only a Christian leader in Maine, but in the world. We have the Lord and Shona Neff, another FGGAM writer,  to thank for introducing us to Angel. Angel is a strong women of God, a strong prayer warrior. Here is the latest prayer letter that Angel wrote to us and the entire team at FGGAM:

January 31, 2015 This Is The Year of The Lord ….DECLARE IT… For God’s Glory Alone Ministries…..


Dewey, Sharon and FGGAM Ministry….

My January Prayer Letter:

Lord, thank you for the opportunity to work in your Kingdom. I thank you for divine connections and divine appointments. Today, I join my Faith with Dewey, Sharon and everyone connected with 2015 is your year. Lord every need met and every divine appointment set. Father, I pray for all to trust you more.

Lord, I Declare Expansion, I Declare Explosion of both writers and readers for this ministry. Together we Declare every need met and every bill paid from the riches of your glory. We break off any small thinking and any spirit of lack off of this ministry and every other ministry teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for blessing the work of our hands. Lord forgive any unbelief that has crept in. This ministry starts this year strong. is full of leaders of the Truth called to the nations… I said yes to the call….He asks again and the answer is still the same. Yes.. Tell him once again…Lord, I will go anywhere you ask and say whatever you tell me to say as long as I know for sure it’s you The Great I Am. Quicken my ears and eyes to see you on every step. We are Declarers of the Word.

I pray every means possible of communication be expanded to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ around this globe. Hope arise and enemies are scattering. Jesus, thank you for this Expansion. We are Declarers of the Word. We will receive workers to help lighten the load.

Lord, will continue to bring truth to your people. We will walk in unity with other believers and not tear down another person’s ministry. God will work out all the differences. This ministry will pray and bless others. We will help other ministries expand as well.

As we labor together for the Glory of God, we will remain humble, meek and continue to believe the Word of the Lord. Joel 2:28 We Believe, We Receive . It’s Time….

Declaring The Day of The Lord We Receive Joel 2:28

 I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. 30 I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 31 The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
32 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved;
for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the Lord has said, even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.

God Bless you Angel! Thank you for your prayers and love! Amen! We love you more than you know!

Angel posts everyday at FGGAM, one of the most popular posts we have! ….please join this wonderful Angel everyday! Here is her latest:

Angel’s Prayer of The Day

Here is a letter that we received from Bud and Tara Shaver of Albuquerque. Bud and Tara are leaders in our state for ending abortion. I pray this will inspire you wherever you live to help lead the fight against the killing of God’s babies. Please forward this letter to everyone you know! Amen! Daily Cup

Dear Pastors and Ministry Leaders,

Hopefully by now you all know that the NM legislative session is underway and this is the first time in 60 years that pro-life legislation has a chance of passing into law. There are three bills that are being considered that will not only save babies and their mothers from the horrors of abortion, one bill in particular has the potential of closing down Albuquerque’s notorious late term abortion clinic.

As leaders in the state we are urging each of you to contact the legislators below, it is vitally important that they hear from you. Let them know your position and that you want a late term abortion bill that will stop abortions at 20 or 24 weeks passed this session. This bill is vitally important and needs the most support from people like you.

The other two bills have sponsors and we are confident that they will be introduced but the late term abortion bill needs your vocal support. All three bills will have the votes to pass but this particular bill has the potential to remove the reputation from Albuquerque as the late term abortion capital of the world. Earlier this month a woman traveled from Great Britain for an abortion on a healthy baby at 30 weeks of pregnancy. Woman 30 Weeks Pregnant Traveled From U.K. to U.S. to Have Abortion Yesterday

Here are some talking points to use when speaking with these legislators that make a strong case for sponsoring and passing the bills below.

-At 20 weeks of pregnancy babies in the womb can feel pain.
-At 24 weeks of pregnancy babies born have a greater chance of survival, are viable.

-Governor Martinez has expressed support for pro-life legislation (parental notification and late term abortion bill) publicly. Legislative roundup, Jan. 23, 2015
-The ABQ Journal has called for floor votes on pro-life legislation. Legislature should vote on late-term abortion ban
-The 3 bishops support late term abortion bills and the other pro-life legislation. NM bishops will push to end late-term abortions
-These 3 bills need to be brought to the floor of both houses for votes.
Late term abortion bill stopping abortions at 20 or 24 weeks,
Woman’s Right to Know (informed consent),
Parental Rights-Notification (parental notification)

Contact today as soon as possible:
Sen Bill Sharer 505-486-5272 Pro-life leader in Senate
Rep Alonzo Baldonado 505-363-6214 House Whip
Rep Larry Larrañaga 505-453-8381  Chair of Appropriations CommitteeRep. Baldonado is the House Whip. His job is to make priorities and line up the majority so he is very important as a leader. Rep. Larrañaga is the chair of the most powerful committee the appropriations and he is catholic and the longest serving Republican. Sen. Bill Sharer is considering introducing the late-term abortion bill, so it is important that you contact him and encourage him by expressing your support TODAY.
Thank you for your service to our God and His people here in New Mexico. Please contact us with any questions. Please pass this on to other Christian Leaders.

Because of Christ we stand,
Bud and Tara Shaver

“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7
By Missionary S.E. Coleman: I know you will enjoy this post! Amen!

Many times speaking to groups througSeatershout the years, I’ve tried to emphasize that you are never to “old” for ministry opportunities and even going into missions. One of my dear friends has just gone on to be with the Lord at age 90, she died on the field, but she did not start her foreign mission career until she “retired”. What a wonderful servant Zelma Houser was and her work lives on !  Praise God!  But you see my title and I want you to know about ministering when you are young or involving your children, grandchildren because it is a blessing and an experience for them.   See this pile of sweaters, to you it might not be so attractive but these 50 or so sweaters changed lives of the givers and those that received one chilly December morning.

Billy, my Guatemalan grandson, mentioned one morning how cold it was outside and how people did not have sweaters.   Billy is 9 years old, a very, very observant boy.   I told him the story of what really led me to knowing his mom, Telma and that was a sweater.   Years ago, here in Antigua I was exercising early in the morning , fully dressed to combat temps of high 40’s, low 50’s at six in the morning.   I noticed children without sweaters just shivering in the early morning air.   That day I determined to buy some sweaters at the used clothes market and give them away.   At the time, I had no washer or dryer, but my precious neighbour, Solveig Padilla, joined with me to wash, dry and fold about 4 or 5 dozen sweaters of all sizes.

The next day I went out in my truck looking for people without sweaters.   I remember some so well, 4 little children on the streets of Antigua, alone, but walking down the street, the oldest only 10 years old.  They were so happy to get a sweater.   One person I gave to was Angela, the grandmother of Karla, who has been my Guatemalan daughter, the past 12 years.  It started a relationship that has spanned 20 years and took me to a school where Billy’s mom, Telma was a student in Primero Basico, as I enrolled Edgar Rolando, the son of Angela.   I became a teacher at that school and worked with Asca Revolorio Lopez, who has been my very best Guatemalan friend for many years.

Billy was impressed by the history and we determined to go to the market and repeat this history.   Karla and Olga Lorena were enthused to do this and the next day we bought all the sweaters you can see, most were only about 15 or 30 cents a piece. I washed them and folded , but this was a project for the kids to do.

We had Yaki, Karla’s cousin, with us for a few days and she helped also.  The kids made 4 master lists of sizes and colors. They had two teams, Billy and Karla for the smaller sizes, then Olga Lorena and Yaki for the larger sizes.   We got up the next day at 5:30 in the morning and it was, for us, SUPER cold. We were in the car at 6 and starting to look for people without sweaters.   In theory I was just the driver and they had the responsibility to look and give.  They spotted our first person without a sweater and I circled the block.  They left the car to inquire IF the person wanted a sweater, then came back and fitted her.  From there we saw so many without and they would shout to stop and ask if they could GIVE, free a sweater. They were so excited to see the person, teen, child or adult immediately put on the sweater and even as I write to relive the time, I cry a bit it was so precious.

The girls saw a whole group without sweaters cutting coffee, they had come from a warmer part of Guatemala to work, they outfitted them all.   I thought it would be appropriate to swing by the house of Edgar Rolando, Karla’s uncle, who was a recipient when I gave, he now is married with two children.   We were close to the property they live on.   His children were so happy to get warm stylish sweaters.   We  met a very old couple going down the street that really needed the sweaters. They were so sweet, we also gave them water and a few quetzales, the national money, to really bless them as they had no expectation as they walked early on a side street.

The kids said they could not stop smiling, the joy of giving just engulfed them and the experience is one they will never forget. Purposely I did not take my camera as I did not want this to become a photo op, the memory is with them and of course me too. Remember this story and I would just encourage you to think of a way to involve your children to selflessly give to others.

Thank you S.E.!

This is the number one post today at FGGAM:

Did Mickey Mouse give you the Measles? By Dr. Joe Fawcett

God Bless you all, Lord Willing more later……..Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team


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