Leave it to Jesse: Jackson Threatens Lawsuit in Little League World Series Scandal, Cheaters and Liars


Little league scandalJackson is just purely disgusting! What an insult to the integrity of Jackie Robinson! I beleive Jackie would tell Jackson “to go pound sand” go have coffee with Brian Williams and tell him about Jesse! Cheaters and liars! Sadly, Lying and cheating has become a greater part of the American way.  We have become “soft” on liars and cheaters. We have a President and many more Politicians who consistently lie, which results in a breakdown of society.  As Pastor Tony Evans says, “America is no longer one nation under God, but one nation away from God.” Rev. Jesse Jackson, the polarizing civil rights activist, is calling for Little
League International to return the U.S. championship to the 12-year-olds from
Jackie Robinson West, mere hours after Little League stripped the team of its
title . And if that doesn’t happen, Jackson said Wednesday afternoon, he may
take legal action.



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