It’s Child’s Play


February 23, 2015  It’s Child’s Play 

Children actingEarly this afternoon I walked into the new Hobby Lobby location where I live in Albuquerque. I did not know that they had moved until just recently. I was just looking for a kind of old school accounting book [for computer challenged people] with regard to our ministry. I bought one from them several years ago.

The first thing I noticed was the beautiful instrumentation playing to familiar hymns. The next thing I noticed was the size of the place compared to their previous size. It’s much bigger now. Spacious is the best way to describe its impression on me. I started singing aloud not trying to make a statement that hymns are better than elevator music, but more to the delight that this was a safe place to make a purchase. I was relaxing and enjoying the moment.

This place is for artists. I have purchased art supplies for Wendy’s paintings here. When I needed some papyrus type paper to depict the apostle Paul writing in a Roman prison I went to Hobby Lobby. This place is for artists! I am an artist too.

Hobby Lobby is the organization that was willing to close its doors rather than support abortion through Obama Care. They won their Supreme Court case and that’s why I could walk into their beautifully expanded store.

Some say Hobby Lobby opposes “woman’s rights. That’s “hateful ” they say. No longer art but now “religion”. Remember I speak of saving the life of a child and lobbying [no pun intended] for a woman’s choice to change and be more child-like. To be pro-child or as they say pro-life. What we grownups so often miss is that art and play is for children. In theater, it’s called play.

Ask a child if he is glad he was born or if he had the right to “choose” if he could live or die in the womb – would he choose to be butchered? Children are artists by their nature of being children. True art is close to heaven and to the very heart of God.

Hobby Lobby are true artists, yet when they took a stand against abortion they were no longer an art store but a “religious” organization. Suddenly the powers that be put Hobby Lobby and these types of people under the category of haters and warned that they all belong to “Westboro Church.” Of course not literally but in a figurative way the implication is “they are all the same.”

Just for the record, when was the last time someone from the Westboro Baptist Church chopped the head off a non-believer. Time and again the work of the Islamic terrorist is compared to the Christian. It makes Christians afraid to be Christian. That’s not good because “if the salt loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again?”

So here I am an artist finding some neat writing supplies, getting a 40% discount and feeling happy and content. Happy just to be.

I do not know who won the Academy Awards last night. I do not know who or what was nominated , and nothing personal here, I don’t care. Does that make me less an artist because I don’t care, or more child-like because I did not go to the experts to do for me what only God could do through me?

Children are too busy making play to bother with watching someone else or to support someone who is trying to do …….what they do without trying.

If the poet Wordsworth could say in the 19th century “the world is too much with us,” then how much more are Wordsworth words worth today [try saying that 10 times really fast.] Ask yourself does the complication of your relationships make you trust your fellowman or woman more than when you were more child-like? Do you believe that having no standard for morality has made your life happier or that of your children or other loved ones. Do you hate a person because his standard is better than his own because it comes from God. Do you resent one who invites you to a better G-rated life. A God one. Do you simply resent a person because he seeks something better than himself.  Who do you want your child to marry? What mindset do you want him or her to have? Do you believe men should marry women and vice versa, and if you do, do you ever share this Truth in Love or are you afraid to associate with the Child man, the Son of Man – The Son of God who you know is right?

The choices we make show what we believe no matter what we say. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. The most common mistake today, yes the most common sin, is the non-act act of “one who knows the good he ought to do and does not do it.” A child’s play is for real life….only “children enter the kingdom of God.”

“It’s never too late to start a new childhood.” If you enter into His art work you will find Him in child’s play waiting for you to join up or to simply return. Take a break as the poet said… the world is too much with us.  It’s Time for child’s play, God’s Play, His Art …. real life.

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Dennis Cole
Originally from New York, Dennis Cole completed his undergraduate degree at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. in 1971 and studied acting in Boston and NYC where he earned his Actor's Equity membership in 1975 after completing several New York stage productions. He was saved from the "Broad Way that leads to destruction" in 1983. After entering through the Narrow Gate that leads to life, he was called into ministry. In 1986 he attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass. and completed his Master of Ministry degree 2 years later at Azusa Pacific Graduate School of Theology in southern California in 1988. That same year he and his wife Wendy entered into full time pastoral ministry. Dennis was a senior pastor from 1988 until 2002 in churches in California, Oregon and Michigan and Indiana., In 2001 Dramatic Christian Ministries was founded and became a full time ministry organization in 2002. He now travels extensively throughout the United States and other parts of the world presenting the Bible in the first person through acting. Dramatic Christian Ministries and the Narrow Gate Theatre bring the Bible in the first person to people in order to fully minister the Word of God. The focus of this drama ministry is to equip and uplift the church and to show the way to eternal life to the unsaved. Acting according to His Word invites people to encounter the Bible as it was first "breathed" by the Holy Spirit. Dennis also teaches acting in his recently started school and is involved in producing and directing live theatrical performances in Albuquerque, NM.

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